Jul 06, 2006 00:02
I'm excited - this time next week I'll be in Washington state, visiting my aunt, uncle, and cousins. And in a little over a week, there will be new SG-1 and SGA episodes. Which is odd for me, considering that this time last year, I only had vague notions of the show.
On the downside - I think my body hates me. I seem to be in a bit of a slump and can't find a way to pull myself out of it and start losing weight again. I've gained back almost all that I've lost, I'm not journalling like I should and not quite eating like I should. But I do I think a large part of it is that pressure from my parents and grandmother was getting to me, along with stress from some other areas (mainly, my brother) really pushed me off track and it's been hard for me to get back on it.
But I think that going away will help. I'll be gone for a week and even though I'll be with two of my main stressors (my dad and brother), we'll be in a different environment and a) they won't be able to say as much, if anything, and b) we'll be away from here - which I think is important for me at this juncture.
Plus, I've been doing a bit of research and have decided that when we get back, I'm going to do a detox regimen and work on eating better and excercising, as well as some meditiation and destressing excercises to get myself back on track. So, if anyone has any tips for natural living, vegetarian recipies or destressing ideas, I'd be greatly appreciative if you pass them along.
travel - washington