(no subject)

Dec 14, 2005 23:24

Urgh. It seems like every time I've tried to post over the past few days, something's come up.

Saturday I went up to New York City with a group from Curves to see Andrew Lloyd Weber's new musical The Woman in White. Prior to the show, some of the ladies and I went to Rockafeller Center and saw the tree and the ice rink and then wandered over to St. Patrick's Cathedral (which was really pretty). I wonder what it says that they had to put up a sign next to the Nativity scene to not throw money at it.

The show itself was really good, the seats were great (center orchestra below the mezzaniene) and the projection screens that were the sets were really cool.

Afterwards we wandered around trying to find a place to eat dinner. I had told the other two I was hanging out with that I didn't care where we ate, so first they decided that we were going to an Olive Garden which was supposedly near the theatre. Well, after wandering around for a while, we asked for directions and found out that there actually wasn't an Olive Garden near where we were, so we decided to try this Italian place that was in the Playbill that advertised home-made pasta. So we trekked from 49th Street (and bethynyc is probably laughing at me because there is an Olive Garden near there, sort of) back down to 46th Street and over a couple blocks to Da Rosina, where we ended up waiting about 30-45 minutes for a table (and the place is *tiny*). But it was *so* worth the wait. The food there is *amazing*. (bethynyc - it's on 46th between 8th and 9th - you should try it out.)

Sunday night I got sick. *Not* fun. I don't get sick very often, but when I do, I know two things are going to happen - a) it goes through my system quicker than most people and b) it's going to hit me like a ton of bricks. So, after cleaning out my system completely within the space of about four hours and hardly getting any sleep, I called out Monday morning and I'm glad I did - I had *no* energy and hardly ate anything. I couldn't go in the first day of finals week/buyback sick. And my dad (who had woken up in the middle of the night because of my brother coming home) had the gall to say that I should see how I felt in the morning before deciding about calling out. Dude. I'm one of the *last* people to call out. If I call out, you *know* I'm sick.

So Monday I ended up watching a bunch of SG-1 season 1 episodes and now I think I'm hooked. (Even if I haven't seen the first three yet because I haven't gotten that disc yet.) Jack/Daniel is *so* canon. I love it! But I also want to see stories with either Jack/Teal'C, Jack/Teal'C/Daniel, or an SG-1 version of CotW with Jack/Daniel. (And blame the Jack/Teal'C stuff on this really cool songvid I've seen.)

And I had this really anxiety-filled/bad dream this morning that also had one of my managers and his family (who I've met) in it and his wife and I were both really depressed and anxious about something and then I found out this morning that he had to call out because he had to take her to the hospital because she fell the other day or something. (I didn't get the whole story.)

I'm feeling much better now, though not quite at full capacity. I really need to get on holiday stuff.

serafina20 and luvxander - Thank you *so* much for the cards!

You all *MUST* go read rageprufrock's SGA AU fic "Bell Curve". It is *so* amazing. It's got angst, it's got humor, it's got a kitten! You don't need to be in SGA to get it. (Lord knows I wasn't/am not and I'm getting it.) The first 8 parts are here and the 9th is here.

tv, fanfic recs - sga - mcshep, theatre - nyc, work

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