Ficlet: What It’s Like

May 16, 2005 14:12

Ficlet: What It’s Like
Author: Samantha Coyle
Pairing: Ewan McGregor/Hayden Christensen RPS
Rating/Warning etc: R
Summary: ...Ewan decides he can’t wait, can’t wait one more fucking day...
Beta: sorry, none.
Disclaimer: Y’all know what a liar I am.

Ewan sometimes wonders what it’s like to be Hayden. The combination of teenage amazement and ‘fuck-you’ confidence, the sweet, easy laughter and the quiet melancholy - it tastes like the best kind of drunk to Ewan. It rings in his ears. He wishes he had that, still.

And sometimes, when he lets himself, he wonders what it would be like to be inside Hayden. In those moments, he wishes he had that, too.

He watches, wonders where it all comes from. He sees that smile that cracks Hayden’s face in half disappear as fast as it arrived. George thinks he’ll have to add the evil later, a soft brush of red over the eyes in post-production to make it believable. But Ewan knows it’s in there. He knows that Hayden knows what he wants and says what he means.

So when Ewan takes one involuntary step closer, eyes locked on lips, Hayden doesn’t say no. He doesn’t say yes either, he just pulls their bodies and lips together by the hair at the base of Ewan’s skull, banishing all hesitation. He presses their hips into each other, hard and hungry, doorknob pressing unnoticed into his back. He fumbles with the laces and the buttons, amusement and lust and Jesus, it’s about fucking time in his eyes.

And when Ewan decides he can’t wait, can’t wait one more fucking day to know what it’s like to taste Hayden, the young man just smirks, licks his lips. His fist is desperate in Ewan’s hair, hips gently thrusting, those lips insistent around his cock. And when he tastes himself on Ewan’s tongue he thinks At last, this is what it’s like.
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