First post; the joys of modern technology

Aug 10, 2008 12:07

Well this is my first post and I guess I should explain my description of myself as 'technologically challenged'. Apart from the fact it took me ages to get the internet working to actually post this post, today I decided to listen to the olympics on the radio. Big mistake. I ask my parents what station it's on. They said 97.3. So i put my radio/cd player/tape player unit on 97.3. All i get is hip hop. But my parents are both listening to the same station. They put every radio in the house on 97.3 and get the olympics.

Not mine.

So I try moving the ariel around. For a brief second I actually get the olympics. But then it changes its mind and it's back to the music. I tried scanning the surrounding stations in desperation, but gave up when I came across one that I highly suspect was in Swedish.
This is the same machine that I once tried to listen to a tape on, pressed play when there was no tape in there, and got the radio coming through. I could even pause the radio.

So i've given up on it and am watching the swimming on the tv. Hope it doesn't freeze again.
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