Sweet Sensations [FIC]

Feb 17, 2011 00:02

Title: Sweet Sensations
Author: stephfreak92 
Beta:  racheeroo92   
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sam/Castiel (Talk of past Dean/Castiel)
Spoilers: None, unless you haven't seen Season 5.
Warnings: None? Hint of food!sex
Word Count: 2, 797
Disclaimer: The characters of Supernatural belong to Kripke and CW Television.
Summary: After causing tension between the hunters, Castiel decides to take Sam out for ice cream.
Notes: Sequel to Sweet like Candy Corn. I know, I left another cliff hanger. I will probably do a third installment, along with a Dean/Castiel extract but for now enjoy.

Read here @ stephfreak92 

author: s, fic: slash, rating: pg-13

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