Fic: Sanctified (Castiel/Sam, misc. other, NC-17)

Jul 22, 2009 01:15

Title: Sanctified

Rating: NC-17

Characters/Pairing: Castiel/Sam, allusions to Dean/Castiel, mentions of canon Sam/Ruby and Dean/Anna 

Prompt: "Orgasm control/denial" at kink_bingo on Dreamwidth
Word Count: ~6000

Kinks/Warnings: Male masturbation, orgasm control, possible coercion. Also, gratuitous character introspection.
Spoilers: Up to and including 4.22

Summary: "Sam doesn't know how he got here. Or rather, he doesn't know why he let himself get here, on his knees in some shitty offbeat motel with a broken A/C, shirtless and trembling, while Castiel faces away from him, stance rigid and straight, hands in the pockets of his trench coat like usual." Or, in which faulty promises are made, a plan is set in motion, and an angel questions why.

Disclaimer: All characters, objects and places belong to their logical owners.

Author's Note: This was going to be just a short, porny little ficlet but it, er, grew. What can I say? It's my first time in this particular sandbox and the toys are very shiny; it's fun to experiment!

Link goes to my journal

rating: nc-17, fic: slash, author: t

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