Fic: I Know It When I See It

Mar 27, 2013 22:19

Title: I Know It When I See It
Author: Balder12
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Cas, Dean
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: The medieval porn has tentacles and light bondage/spanking
Word count: 5600
Summary: Cas helps Sam translate a Medieval Enochian text that turns out to be racier than expected. Awkwardness ensues.
A/N: Written for a prompt by de_nugis at the Bat Cave Fic and Art Comment Fest.  Also fills the Wild Card square on my SPN Pairing Bingo card. Title from Justice Potter Stewart, who said he couldn't define pornography, "but I know it when I see it."
A/N 2:  Let's assume this takes place in a slight AU of S8 where Naomi doesn't exist and Sam hasn't started the trials yet. The fluffy porn works better if no one's bleeding.

author: b, rating: nc-17, fic: slash

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