election election !!

Nov 02, 2004 11:20

so im sittin here thinkin that george bush really needs to win just because john kerry is one of them homo lovin cathlics im not racist im just statin the obvious plus i really believe it will bring the end of time if we let that demacrap in there so for ne of u ppl who havent voted yet or are still rootin for rootin for kerry heres sumthin to change ure minds
1. You have to believe that the only reason there hasn’t been another terrorist attack since 9/11 is that terrorists have been too busy in other parts of the world to bother attacking us.

2. You have to believe that Kerry’s “policies de jour” make sense despite their contradictory nature.

3. You have to believe that socialized medicine which has been proven a huge failure everywhere it has been tried will be a complete success in the United States.

4. You have to believe that Kerry’s five mansions, numerous SUV’s, private jet and yacht are examples of environmental responsibility.

5. You have to believe that gay rights parades should be constitutionally protected while Christmas trees in public schools should be illegal.

6. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth are engaging in smear tactics while Senator Kerry’s Purple Heart that was awarded before he encountered hostile fire automatically qualifies him to be president.

7. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.

8. You have to believe that overseas jobs by U.S. companies are bad while domestic jobs by foreign companies are good.

9. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn’t worked everywhere it’s been tried is because Kerry hasn’t been in charge.

10. You have to believe that terrorists will simply go away when Senator Kerry gets the French and the UN to pass yet another meaningless resolution.

10) Tax Cuts - Admit it. You’ve got more money in your pocket, and Bush’s tax cuts brought a quick end to the Clinton/Gore/Atta recession. The economy is healthy, and John Kerry’s plan to increase taxes on small businesses will kill the recovery. Everyone who pays taxes got a tax cut, period. I don't care if someone (who pays more taxes than I do) received a larger tax cut. Why? Because I'm actually able to use math and logic.

9) Laura Bush - Putting looks aside, Laura Bush is still far more elegant and sophisticated than Teresa Heinz Kerry. Americans deserve better than a first lady who thinks America went to war for "oil." Fucking traitor.

8) Osama bin Laden is Dead - Get over it. Bin Laden was killed in the bombings of Tora Bora. There is no way OBL could have gone this long without showing his mug on television unless he was buried in a cave. He’s dead, and everybody knows it (we just can’t prove it, because nobody’s been able to dig up the corpse).

UPDATE Oct 29th: *AHEM* OK, so it appears that bin Laden wasn't dead. But that's still a reason to vote for Bush over Kerry. In fact, it makes a Bush victory even more essential (anyone who saw Kerry's interview with Tom Brokaw knows what a wishy-washy pansy Senator Kerry is). And, when OBL is killed, hopefully it will be done in such a way that the whole world can verify it (I still have a large cache of fireworks in my garage waiting for that day, and when I shoot them off, I'm aiming right for my neighbor's roof - the one with the big John Kerry lawn sign).

7) Bill Clinton Wants You To - Bill (and especially Hillary) want John Kerry to LOSE the election. If Kerry wins, Hillary’s stock drops, and her chances of ever running for president vanish. Why else did they send their henchmen to kill the Kerry campaign from within? They hadn’t counted on Kerry doing so well in the first debate, and they are scrambling to find something to fuck up Kerry’s chances. Win one for the zipper. Don’t vote for Kerry.

6) The Gloves Will Come Off - As so many people have speculated, George Bush is holding back in Iraq. He knows what needs to be done, and is planning on doing it. However, he’s been too focused on getting re-elected to handle the flood of criticism that would come from the traitors in the democrap party once he unleashes what he has planned for Al Zarqawi and the other Michael Moore "patriots."

5) Bush is Opposed to a Draft - Under Kerry, a draft will become necessary. As anyone who has read this site knows, John Kerry is a master projectionist. The only reason he’s bringing up the "draft" scare, is because he knows that HE will have to reinstate it if he’s elected. After all, he’s pissed off and alienated all of our legitimate allies. And if he gets in, a large number of our fighting men and women are not going to reenlist. After all, Kerry has allied himself with Michael Moore, a man who openly stabbed our troops in the back by saying they’re fighting a phony war for oil. Would YOU fight if Kerry were in charge? Nope. There’s a reason that over 70% of our soldiers want Bush to win.

4) George Soros Will Kill Himself - I can’t say this will happen for sure, but isn’t it nice to think about? This traitor has done all he can to embolden the enemy in a time of war and has thrown his personal fortune into defeating Bush. Let’s push him over the edge.

3) It Will Make Bush’s First Victory Even MORE Legitimate - Let’s shut up the "Bush stole the election" morons once and for all. What better way than with a Bush landslide? Because Bush prevented GORE from stealing the election, it doesn’t mean that BUSH stole the election. If I prevent someone from stealing my car, does it mean that I stole THEIR car? To a democrap, yes.

2) The Terrorists Want Kerry to Win, Period.

1) To See the Look on Dan Rather's Face - this one speaks for itself. If Bush wins, I’m recording the CBS Evening News just to see Rather cry.
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