Mar 15, 2009 16:27
Fall Quarter, my only obsession aside from school was politics. I tracked that shit closer than Chuck Todd on Ritalin. I used to get pretty worked up watching the TV news when I would hear the outlandish shit Republicans would try to pass off as facts. The kindest description of their behavior would be reckless myopia, though the preceding eight years made more sinister motives easy to imagine. So yeah, I was tense.
Winter quarter, I disconnected cable because the internet makes it obsolete and bought in on a table at Stumptown Comics Festival. Since then, getting my first issue together has been the obsession. I still keep track of what's going on in the other Washington, but not with the fervor of old. I gots pages to draw!
But this morning, when I came home giddy and sleepy and satisfied, I was just in time for Meet the Press. It's a great show for watching, but there's something special about gently passing out to Meet the Press on a Sunday morning. So I snagged a blanket and sunk right in. When I woke up, it was time for George Stephanopolous.
I switched over and everything was going fine until Mitch McConnell came on with his fucking waddly neck, talking about some bullshit. Or, more to the point, refusing at all costs to answer any direct questions about some bullshit. It's 1993 again and the GOP's got naught but reflexive obstructionism to offer cuz they're hoping to make 2010 another 1994. It's as goddamn transparent as the paper sleeve on Newt Gingrich's fish sandwich. But the way McConnell was talking, you'd think the last eight years hadn't happened, you'd think the methods he was advocating hadn't been repudiated over and over for almost a decade. And it pissed me off in a way I ain't been pissed since November. It was a gnashing, alien feeling that made me want to leap out of my chair.
Wasn't a way I was looking to feel, so I hopped right back into the NPR cocoon. I'll be back to the back-and-forth soon because I know that the GOP is counting on people growing too disgusted to pay attention, but I'm a bit busy savoring last night and anticipating the next night to holler at Mitch McConnell just now. There's better reasons to build up blood pressure. And I've got enough distractions trying to keep me from getting this comic together.