Happy November!
♡ Hello, lovely members! We apologize for the lack of activity on the site (and tumblr); it's been a bit of a busy year for us! I make no promises about frequent updates to the journal, but us mods'll definitely try to keep up more with everything going on if we can. (Not that there's much -- Ariana's new music video has been released and Jennette's vine continues to be the funny.)
♡ As a reminder, we have a lovely
prompt post just waiting for you to take a peek at, so head on over and
fill some stuff! And if you're not a writer, at least go
prompt some stuff for us, because it might just get filled. I was thinking about it, and this show definitely needs more fanfiction, so why not contribute? Also, if you have any fic recs, comment on this post with them. I'm a glutton for good Sam/Cat fic!
♡ Finally, there will be a challenge later this month, starting after Thanksgiving. It may be something more...Christmas-y? ;)