Behold! The Mullet!

Dec 29, 2006 14:11

Okay...I finally got the new do tamed into something I like.  And whether I like it or not, it's definitely a mullet.   A big, 80's girl-style mullet.   All I asked for was for her to "give it some shape and get it out of my face."

Good God.

This first picture shows how it looked last night... it's poofy!!  Arrrggghhhh!!!!  I hate poofy hair.  With it short on top, it adds a good 2 inches to the top of my head!  Then, since the back is still fairly long (shoulder length now), and poofy on it's own, the whole effect is a triangle!  I look like a freakin' poodle!!  Double Arrrrgggghhhhh!!!

The second picture is today, after I washed it out and put enough goo on it to tame the poof.  This I can live with.  :o)

Mind you, I have no make-up on in either picture.  :P

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