First Dream Ω n/a
Hyaku Shiki Gunpla obtained during Disney World Wilderness
Aegis Gundam Gunpla obtained during Disney World Wilderness
Gundam Deathscythe Gunpla obtained during Disney World Wilderness
Toy Gun obtained during Disney World Wilderness
AU History DYAD
There is an awkwardness yet feeling of comfort between them. They're full of paradoxes all rolled up into one, basically. Alive hoped Dyad would provide him more answers into his past, but sadly he could not deliver. Never less, Alive is sticking with Dyad. It's not exactly dependence, but more he feels this is how things should be (him being close to Dyad). He finally feels he has name since he met Dyad, no longer denying he has a name. He doesn't really give thought to how Dyad is related to him, oddly enough. He just accepts things as they are.
He'll keep an eye out for this one. Also be a bitch to his staff. He doesn't think it was just luck that Stoneface saw his first journal entry.
Has a feeling Gene has some sort of military background. Alive finds him amusing, but Alive might take it too far. He's not good being friendly and shit.
Greeted him into the Sphere. He's the first person to know Alive's name. He doesn't trust the guy, but he doesn't trust people in general. Maybe if there is further contact, he wont' be so distant and grumpy.
Table Cell
Table Cell