Sep 19, 2007 23:22
dear bible thumping conservative that i used to know, who is no longer my friend:
i am done with you. our ties are forever severed. up until 10 mins ago i could tolerate being your "acquaintance" because i knew you from work and you were generally a nice person, aside from your obvious racist and cruel points of view. i could tolerate having A drink with you (read: 1) if "people we knew" were getting together. i could say i was "friends" with you in order to be a civil human being and reduce the drama in my life. no, i could never confide in you or have a "real" conversation of substance with you. mostly because you're misogynist and an uneducated naive prick. but we could still "chill" at most once or twice a year (in the company of other extremely less moronic people). we could talk about things that dont matter like the weather and where you're traveling next with your daddy's dollar. but no more. i've listed to the LAST ignorant comment, the LAST bush-loving bullshit, the last racist joke, the last privileged response to a politically motivated disparity. the end. good riddance. you make me sick.
no love,