Dec 25, 2004 19:06

Today is Christmas day :) It was a pretty good christmas if I do say so myself.

I got:
* A mini blue iPod
* A winter jacket
* Rain Coat
* Fleece
* DVD's (Elf, Harry Potter, SNL Best of Will Farrell and Best of Adam Sandler)
* A whole bunch of make-up
* A pretty necklace
* Sweatpants!
* Victoria Secret Gift Card

Santa was pretty good to me I think :)

Christmas Eve was the craziest day! I first worked at Shaw's from 11- close and it was insane. Huge lines of people with huge orders. It was just craziness and kind of scary...I was constantly worried that I was completely screwing something up. I think I did alright though :)

After that I came home and we had the traditional Christmas Eve buffet. My mom made these delicious chicken wings! They were SOOOO good! And then we opened the brother-sisters presents and played Trivial Pursuit DVD game. The DVD is a piece of shit, I do not reccommend this game. 90's edition is much funner!

Anyway, after the game we went to Midnight Mass, and honestly it was the weirdest mass I had ever been to. Right as the choir started singing the song that the priest and the alterboys come into this lady yells "We need help over here!" There was this lady passed out and like every doctor/nurse in the church came running and the choir kept singing. My dad says that he thinks people were looking at him to go help cuz they thought he was Dr. Schizel. However, Dr. Shizel made his appearence and the lady got up and walked to the back of the church. Coughing noises were they all we heard. I really thought she was like dead or something. I was really kinda scared! But I guess she's okay. My mom says she thinks that her and her friends were drunk and that's why she passed out, but honestly who would go to church drunk?

THen throughout the rest of the mass no one really knew when to stand/kneal/sit. So people were going up and down and it was just humorous. THen to top off the humor, that Hampson guy who's...a little special was just cracking everyone up. He got up to go to the bathroom on one side of the church, walked all the way to the back and then marched straight down the main aisle towards the alter. He's so funny. He did the same to get back. There was also a kid running around during mass screaming. Always interesting.

So tonight at Christmas dinner my mom was clearing stuff off the table and dumped this nasty brownsugar/carrot juice all over my pants. My brother apparently had never laughed so much in his life...he claims he laughed so hard that he almost threw up...Then I would have laughed.

And that was my Christmas of 2004!

Hope everyone else had a lovely Christmas :-D
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