
Mar 19, 2008 12:31

Lloyd is ill. It seems to be nothing more than a fever, perhaps a flu, but nonetheless...

I am unsure if Filial magic will work on illnesses, but if someone would be willing to try to help him, I'm sure he'll be thankful for both your aid and your company.

[[ooc: That is Kratos's way of calling for help. :\]]

daddy worries for his boy, plague event

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corrinesbell March 20 2008, 04:41:47 UTC
He's sick? I thought something was off yesterday...

How bad is he?


salvationfound March 20 2008, 04:53:50 UTC
Yesterday, he seemed to have a mild cold. Now it seems to be a moderate flu. It's... alarming how fast his illness is escalating.


corrinesbell March 20 2008, 05:01:45 UTC
Anything I can do to help you guys out?


salvationfound March 20 2008, 05:07:55 UTC
Soup. Also, try to stay away from Lloyd. I know it's a difficult task, but he may be contagious.


corrinesbell March 20 2008, 05:09:38 UTC
Yeah, okay, I'll bring some over.

If he's contagious, I might as well just resign myself to getting it. Colette and Raine do live here, you know.


salvationfound March 20 2008, 05:11:23 UTC
Thank you.



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