Jun 27, 2005 00:34
Lowell Mass, 6/25
+Full Blown Chaos- Missed their set.
+Devildrier- Much better than their last one; the tone of the guitars was more than bearable; still didn't play "Swinging the Dead", but overall good set. Some new material.
+A Life Once Lost- Fair; some good breakdowns etc
+All That Remains- See above; bad vocal tone/mic tone
+Throwdown- Shitty hardcore; ended the set with "For my friends! For my family! Straight FUCKING edge!". This was followed by apperant anger at the floor. To all stereotypically hardcore bands and kids: Stop ruining metal. Dance your hearts out at your sets, but when people like SYL take the stage, your turn is over. When did it become cool to be incredibly over or underweight, to wear trucker and biker apperal, and to then dance idiotically stealing from other genres and styles? That's right, it hasn't.
+Poison The Well: Fair; horrible clean parts.
+FATA: Good; shouldn't have debuted new material.
+Gwar: Indescribable. Worth the $40 alone.
+Unearth: Amazing metal; great set, tone, etc
+The Red Chord: Fucking insane. Would have been better sans hardcore kids.
+SYL: Townsend is a scary man. Great set.
+Opeth: 3 songs, 30 minutes. Opened with "The Drapery Falls"... awesome
+Clutch: Big meh; didn't fit in at all.
+Chimaria: Meh. Generic nu-metalcore.
+Lamb Of God: AWESOME set. Vigil, 11th Hour, some BTP relics... great closing w/wall of death
There were probably more, I'm just tired and I'm just sore.