What? Huh? Whazzzis? Oh, MORE concert stuff yet.

Aug 21, 2004 04:04

Ratings and stuff... blank out of blank (x/x) = the band out of all of them... this is stupid and all that but still... a 1/4 means the best of all 4 bands that night, and a 4/4 means the worst... shhh, you'll understand soon enough.

Okay, this one is first. This one is Killswitch engage. This one is August 17th. This one:

One good show. We did something before it so everything was nice and chill and funny while in line and there was the funniest kid EVER there.. it was like a fat tall version of my brother and he just made us laugh for whatever reason.. ehh good times... so we get in and wait for everyone and suddenly-

36 CRAZYFISTS: These people were incredible! It was a bit confusing at first, since FATA's banner was still up and they had no logos of their own, but hey, they kicked ass so they didn't need a banner. They played very well and technically and it was a very good time for all to be had. They played my favorite song "The Heart and the Shape" and other great numbers such as "At the End of August". We jumped around in our VERY CLOSE TO THE STAGE area and then looked at the pit and decided not to venture inwards. Guess what? More hardcore kids! But it was alright, since this time they actually hit each other... and made each other bleed. There was a lot of crowd surfing, and for the first time at a live show, I saw someone get onstage and dive off after singing a few lines with the vocalist. It was cool, and within 5 minutes of their set I had been kicked in the head (somehow) and punched everywhere. It was the most fun I've had being brutilized! Sounds like hardcorish metal with wavy vocals. 2/4

Then we finally met Tobey, Sam, Ryan, Bill, Justin (Adams), and I think Bryan (McKay), and Madison, Jackie, and Amelia (her boyfriend came but made them leave early... oh, and I met this old guy Padre who I'd seen at concerts past and his son Josh, they were nice)... and just sat around while 18 Visions were on. They don't get a little blurb to themselves because I didn't like them all that much. They were kinda bland and generic and their songs all sounded as one... but they had a smoke machine which was fairly kickass. More of the same fun pittage... and this guy in a red shirt (who sang with 36) found his way up and then sang for what seemed like an hour with the vocalist, never letting go and coming inches to his face. I seriously thought they were currently or going to make out.

Bleh... time for....

FROM AUTUMN TO ASHES: Their drummer was skinny and tattooed and reminded me a bit of a certain Fred I know... but anyways they were awesome and played my favorite songs (minus Short Stories With Tragic Endings, which I doubted they'd play but still hoped) such as "Milligram Smile" and all that meaty goodness. They played very well and finally made use of the banner that had been up since the beginning of the night. The pit was fun looking again but I didn't get to make use of it since I was with Madison and everyone who wouldn't really want to ... eh.. die or whatever, but there still wasn't a "push pit". There was a lot more headbanging and whatnot for them and they played an enjoyable show. Sounds like hardcorish metal with technical parts and acoustic parts. 3/4 (close to 36 though!)

Oh, and there was this other band... Kill... something, eh they blew.

Fuck me for saying that.
Killswitch Engage- Well holy shit I thought nothing could top 36 that night but oh, I were wronged. These people were the most energetic band I've seen in a long while. They played my all-time favorite Killswitch Song "FIXATION ON THE DARKNESS"... to which I created a push pit sorta... others joined but it was essentially empty since people around me were being gay and enjoyed being it too... but it was still energetic and crazy and fun and... yes. They also played "My Last Serenade" to close up the night, which was a great end. By then everyone that went in the pit was bleeding and "distraught"... so of course I was happy! Sounds like: Fast Hardcore-Metal

TIME FOR.... Fun Things That Killswitch... Said... :
Singer dude man:

"Someone lose their keys?" holds them up everyone yells YEAH!! "Wow you're all a bunch of liers..." looks at chain "Hockey Hall of Fame huh? You must have had one boring ass afternoon!" someone boos or something pro-hockey "Hey fuck you! I'm black I don't give a shit about hockey!"

He kept mentioning that there was stuff onstage, shoes or whatever- "Okay I really don't see how you can lose a shoe at a concert... and there's so many up here... Now that's just peculiar... here's a shirt too, there gotta be a whole person naked down there by now!"

Guitarist sir:

"I'm drunk for two reasons" I don't feel like typing out his long ass thing about his manager or whatever, but he gets his brother to stand up finally and goes on and on about how he looks like an alien and how he's creepy and his head is big and he's plotting the destruction of our world as we speak... yea.

Whole bizand:
at the end they all started saying the south park "jethuth chitht!" thing that jeff and I do. Yep. wow

So that was great and I got two posters from outside.


Tonight, Aug. 20. Hartford. 106.9 rock expo. now.

Wokes up early... Get Brandon, Cash my check, Get some drinks (Smirnoff/Mike's Hard/SoCo), leave. Get there about 12, noone's there, we get food, see other people/talk/get offered pot, leave to park... sit down and start drinking, delicious tastes enter our mouths... BATHROOM BREAK... okay we're back, let's talk to those kids they look cool... look we're talking to them cause Brandon went over when we were doing something in Justin's car... okay more drinks, and let's run... concert time! Jeff is FUCKED up.... okay we're let in... hey there's Madison and friends! yay! hi! okay time to run to the stage...

Arithmetic of War: We only saw the... ehh.. last half or so of their show, but they seemed alright. Heavy-ish kinda generic and the singer ( I swear! ) was singing "I will pee on you"... it sounded just like it... didn't hear enough to rate well, 5/7.

Sweet! Madison and friends found us, we are all sitting. Look at us sit. Wow, this is fun. OMG MORE MUSIC!

Burning Brides: These people were really quite good. They had a female bassist, but she used an effing pick... pfft. They had a few things going for them... some eighties' type metal, some modern nu-metalish stuff... all pretty good, guitarist sang and such... eh, 4/7

Hmm, look at these people... I think they are Nonpoint. Yes, they are. Okay, I guess. Let's go get drinks and stuff at the VIP AREA for free Madison, okay? Okay. Thanks for your wristband Jackie. Hmm, this won't work.. okay I guess it might.. or did... okay free soda, sweet! Spending time with the amiga, fun stuff. let's go check out music now.

Nonpoint: I literally saw maybe 2 songs by them, and they were okay. I like their one song "What a Day" but I didn't hear it =( Oh well... didn't hear enough rate well 5/7 (tie)

Okay, Now let's sit down and stand up and watch SOIL omfg let's go pit it! okay let's just get kicked out of the front area by security what fucks... let's go crazy "OUR SEAT" style...

Soil: As always, GREAT. They played every song I know and love and then some new stuff too! Songs that were... played- Halo, Breaking Me Down, Pride... etc etc etc all great... they kicked the crap out of everyone... because they were that good. There were flashings of boobs shown, and screams of mouths. All in all they played just like I thought they would and like I've seen them before. 2/7

Okay, let's just go jump around outside in the rain. WEE fun with the Madison friend okay let's go look at stuff to doo... ooh how much stuff cool okay fun. more music time

Breaking Benjamin: As I left before they came on they were playing "Terrible Lie" by NIN on the radio. Best concert moment right there! I only heard like two songs of these people too, including that Cold song... they were pretty cool... though I heard only a little I'd say 4/7 (tie)

Oh man, it'd be Trust Co. time now!

Trust Company: They were great =) I haven't seen them play since my second KoRn concert, and they've gotten better. No synths on the vocals, and it sounded better that way live (woulda sounded weird live with synth'd voice), and they played well... they also played Downfall and Running into You, and about 3 new songs, which were awesome. That new cd, though so incredibly delayed, will be great. Yep. Fun, we all started going crizazy around now. 3/7

Okay, it's been too long, we need our fucking heavier stuff. FINALLY they are clearing the stage and redoing the stage and the stage stage stage the... okay time for.

Static - X: Wow. Just wow. I saw them maybe a half a year ago, and they've only gotten better. The bassist was finally starting to switch to fingers (happy!) and play more melodically. They played 2 new songs, one of which sounded familiar of Soulfly... they played The Only and Get to the Gone and all your family favorites... we went insizane for thizem but it was hot. all day, by the way. yes they had cool show with colored lights and a colored background and two huge lights of the static x symbol and oh so much more the two guitarists stood on pedestals and oh man fun to the max. pictures of stuff soon.

okay. more concerts someday in September.
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