Jan 25, 2005 18:17
Every thing has been going really well considering the circumstances. Jacob and I are doing really well. I am back and school, got progress reports and well they are ok.. I cant wait till I get to leave this fucking house and get out of here. I want to move back in with Jacob so bad, but like I said not to much longer only like 145. School has been interesting I have made a couple new friends, and lost a couple old ones. I have been taking these Credit By Exams to pass my classes so that I don't have to sit in them. I have taken two and passed two so I am getting though school pretty fast. summer is going to be a blast we want to go to L.A and visit. I want to go to New Orleans for like a weekend. Sorry about not updating in like forever it has been a long time. Anyway I hope to update more often that n i have in the past. I am currently looking for a job. I need one bad. Love you Jacob! Far From Over!!