This post on
Slashdot ( as a comment to an article about internet addiction says so many things that I think and say all the time. I'm just glad there are others out there that agree.
Re:Is it just me...
(Score:5, Insightful)
by dosquatch (924618) on Thursday December 01, @03:19PM (#14160180)
If you were looking for someone to blame
And therein lies the problem of which he was speaking, I believe. That search for someone or something to blame. That crutch on which you can dump your personal responsibility.
I'm not getting good grades - but it's because I have ADHD. Or dyslexia. Or my teacher hates me. Or they're not really teaching me anymore, they're just drilling me for the SOL test. It can't be that I'm not trying hard enough.
(more after the cut)
The hurricane killed half my family and washed my house away. It's the weatherman's fault for not warning me soon enough. It's the mayor's fault for not coming to pick me up. It's FEMA's fault for not getting here soon enough with food and shelter. Not mine, though, for living in hurricane territory without adequate insurance and for ignoring the evacuation orders.
I'm not as rich as I want to be. I'm not successful. I'm not beautiful. I don't have the latest snazzy toy that I want. It's all because the system is set up to work against me! I lost my job because of the "good old boy" network, or affirmative action quotas, or offshoring, or corporate merger downsizing. I have an unhealthy self-image because of the unrealistic images of beauty in the magazines. I have heart disease because of Phillip-Morris and McDonalds. Dammit, I need somebody to sue.
Now the courts are clogged. It's because of the lawyers.
Everybody's a victim. The problem is, if everybody is a victim laying the blame somewhere else, then nobody is accountable anymore. It's not my fault because of you, but it's not your fault either because of him, and the buck never stops.
Don't get me wrong. There are victims. There are hardships. There are obstacles. Life sucks hard sometimes. It always has, it always will, but we seem to have forgotten how to suck it up and move on.
Monet was blind. Beethoven was deaf. Helen Keller was both. What's your excuse?
And if you don't like what I have to say, don't blame me. "They" made me do it.