(no subject)

Jan 25, 2014 09:01

I'm okay with winter. I won't whine about it. But it has been weirdly cold, despite the claims of all those people who say it used to be this cold routinely. I am not so sure. My evidence? My return drain from my washer FROZE. Water everywhere in the laundry room.

My mother, God love her, got right on the phone with Sears, demanding that they come fix the problem, not yet understanding that the problem was not with the washer but with the pipe in the wall (a reasonable mistake). But while doing this, she let the washer continue to run, on the grounds that you aren't supposed to walk in water if there is a chance that you can get electrocuted -- that old rule about standing water and electrical appliances (nevermind how little water there was!). What this means, of course, is that the washer was all set to dump another entire load of water out onto the floor when I walked in. I tried to explain to her that if the machine is flooding the house, you MUST TURN IT OFF, else you will have more and more water gushing into your home. She got slightly huffy about this, and said, "I didn't feel like getting electrocuted, sorry," although I notice she did not have anything to say when I went in there and shut off the machine! It was kind of funny, honestly, although ghastly expensive to correct.

Meanwhile, we watched the final episode of Sherlock's Season 3, all five of us huddled around the computer in the family room to stream. It was okay. It was good. The Bean, who is obsessed with Sherlock, had found the final episode mind-blowingly exciting. I can't say it was that. But they do manage to keep it fresh and I like how they've turned season 3 into an exploration of Sherlock the person, multiple scenes taking place in his mind. Also they manage to dramatize thought into action (even struggle) in a way that works. It's what the Robert Downey, Jr. versions tried to do, but failed IMHO (no offense to the great RDJ, who I love despite). So they get points for that. And for not ruining everything with a horrible ending, which would have surely put my fifteen-year-old in a grief-induced coma.

It really IS cold here. One degree two days ago. Highs of 14 and 23. Cheddar, our adopted kitty, has no idea how good she has it, lounging on her throne of blankets and lolling by the heat vent with her tail tapping.

I set a deadline of yesterday to finish a story. Failed utterly. The story was 80% done (first draft) when I set the deadline, so it should have been doable. But I saw right away that the whole thing needed redoing. So I was doing the second draft before completing the first. Is there some law against this? There should be. I got nothing done for two weeks. I did that thing where I open the file and in the first two seconds of looking at the text, I realize IT CANNOT BE DONE and the whole day is shot.

I don't mean to be negative but I kind of hate myself today!

movies, the bean, writing

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