Dec 24, 2012 22:36
Listen people, try whenever possible not to be born on Christmas, okay? Just avoid it altogether. Because if you do, you will not only be depriving yourself of your own holiday and cache of deserved giftery, but you will eventually have loved ones who will insist on making you a cake or some such on your birthday because they feel sorry for you and have all this pent up birthday-feeling affection for you and no matter what *you will have to eat it.* On Christmas.
You know, after the all-carb breakfast and the candy in your stocking. After the mid-day chocolate fest and the massive Christmas dinner if you are fortunate enough to have one. Yes, after this, you will be expected to eat your cake, dammit, which your poor wife stayed up late baking -- twice in this case because I left out the baking soda the first time, ushering in a whole slew of errors that made 2012's Christmas Birthday Cake an actual Cake From Hell -- so you better like it.
I am just a little tired. All is well. Merry Christmas to everyone, even those sweet and beloved folks who insisted on arriving on December 25th. Especially to them.