[Well there are worse ways to come back from a Mallynappin', but Faith's not in any kinda shape to take note of that. Right now she's busy reeling/stumbling her way on home--or at least, she figures thass the gen'ral direction o' home... all those houses all over there an' such...
Blearily the thought comes to her that she's not all that right in the head, and that there was summin' important that she needed to remember...
But nope, it's gone again. Mebbe she was dreamin', there were all those aliens an' stuff.
...Yeah. Def'nitly a dream. Comes of being all 'lone and stuck in your own head.
As if to make up for this, she starts singing. Loudly. Way off-key. There are reasons she was way outta Sunnydale when Sweet hit town.]
Gotta find the freeeeedom thass promised me~!! [Anybody in or near the town's free to go shut up/help/look oddly at this crazytown Slayer who's two parts drunk off her ass three parts high as a kite. Comes of bein' a teetotaler in a town run by mad scientists, I'm tellin' ya.]