May 06, 2004 06:37
So yesterday was my birthday and it was the best birthday i can remember (note: it's the only birthday i can remember) i got lots of cool stuff like the weezer dvd from rachel, an office space tee-shirt and pin from deanna, video games from kyle(samaurai shodown and mario kart) and the rents are getting me a bike because the frame broke on my last one leaving me without a bike for the past year.
The calc AP test was yesterday, which because i like calc(except derivatives of inverse tangents... oh how i loath those) is a good thing by itself, but it also got me out of english and school at 1:00 cuz everyone taking the test decided to skip 5th hour.
Lunch was cut short yesterday so i didn't get to bust out the giant rice crispy treat, but do not fret boys and girls i'll be breakin that baby out today.
I mentioned kyle got me samaurai shodown and for those of you who don't know, it's actually a pretty good game. The game play as far as attacks are concerned is alot like soul calibur because of the weapons and the characters, graphics and arenas remind me of streetfighter. All i've figured out is that it says IPPON! when ever you win or lose, and when you happen to win its fun to yell IPPON! really loud.
Over the course of the past month i've been sucked into a landscaping, the work is kinda laborious but the pay is pretty good, i made $40 last week dong 3 hours of work. normally i'll be working 8 hours a week for about 80 bucks prolly, but i figured with that plus lawns and the paperroute i could be making nearly $200 a week during the summer and that my friends would be pimpin.