Mar 20, 2002 22:32
Hi everybody i have a livejournal:) -by the way thanks bryan. Today was happy for a few reasons first and foremost i had happy flavored jones which i've never had before yumyumyum Barnies got hella new flavors and so far i like what i taste bugjuice and vanilla soda also very tasty. Today i got nin live *drools excessively* and tommorow i get metro 2 by Dreamtheater who 0wn despite what big sis says. I just got back from Richards house where we were going to tape for french *laughs to self* but very little was accomplished but hey it was fun and i got nin live out of the deal so everyone wins or at least me who's counting, on another note this live journal thing is nifty but i still can't figure everything out although i haven't really tried so i think i'll try to go make my lj look as cool as everyone else's :P -night all