Jul 08, 2009 04:06
I haz ...icons!
I feel like I'm finally starting to understand the whole LJ active member/addiction thing. lol Suddenly I'm considering a paid account for icons and RSS feeds of friends and Comms, and am trying to find more friends and Comms to share things with and get to know. D: I kind of wish I'd hunted down a starter-guide to learning to use and be apart of the site, because I've had this for months. Year(s) maybe? and I'm just now getting into all this and trying to learn the etiquette. lol Thank you again to the Comms and users credited for all these glorious new icons. haha
I wanted to write more about some things going on, but my back hurts like crazy tonight. I can't peg the cause, but I'm dreading waking up tomorrow with the possibility of having to go to the Chiropractor for the first time in like 7 years. lol haytailbone. /wave
Yes, I kind of feel like a 14 year-old girl.