Happy Canada Day!

Jul 01, 2008 09:28

Yes, it is once again that day of living in an awesome country and not really doing much to be patriotic. My home is conspicuously undecorated - no flags, no red and white streamers, no nothing. I'm a really bad Canadian, when it comes down to it. :P

Rather than indulging in long-winded rhetoric (stop laughing), I'll just say that I love Canada. It's a great place to live, the people are awesome, and I have no idea what I'd ever do if I had to move away. Frankly, we're just that cool - especially in winter.

Also, special greets and congrats go out to
whitephoenix (also known as Leila), who is spending her first Canada Day ever IN CANADA! How's it feel? :)

Yes, yes, I know I haven't been updating. Which is odd, since I have a crapload to update about. More on that later.
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