October 2014: The Monthly Update

Oct 30, 2014 17:19

Hello!  It's time for an update, though I have very little to talk about.

Let's see...

1. I've been doing a lot of plastic canvas crafts lately and am planning to base my Christmas presents for family on that.  It's an inexpensive craft that can still let me create some nice things, sounds perfect to me!  Probably everyone's getting a tissue box, because I really don't know what to make for them and there's some neat patterns online that will suit everyone's interests.  Maybe a keychain as well? I don't know.

2. Video games!  After going through a period where I didn't turn on my systems in a while, I decided to play through some games.  I tried to play through Banjo-Tooie and Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts, but couldn't get through either one of them. I love the Banjo series on whole, but Tooie feels like a chore and the gameplay in N&B is beyond frustrating. So I gave up and moved on to a series that I hadn't ever played-- Mother/Earthbound. I've played Earthbound to completion and am about 10 hours into Mother 3 (with the fan translation) and they are so, so, so good.  Wonderfully quirky and moving, especially Mother 3 thus far.  Honestly should have dove into this series years ago.

3. My Mother has shingles and it's a pretty gross condition with a really funny name.  Took my Dad to get a vaccine so he wouldn't get it, and so far that's been effective.

4.  I'm continuing my attempt to be more social on the internet, though I'm not really sure where to go. I'm posting on a message board I've lurked for almost 15 years now, that's a start.  I just need to do something with myself in general, but I'm still not sure what.

5. I'm starting to enjoy parts of living back up here, actually enjoy them without reservation. I like having access to a lot of professional theater.  I like that I'm not too far away from some fun stores and experiences.  I want to like, move on some, get my own place at some point, maybe start a career (lmao), but I don't feel desperate to escape anymore, like I once did. I don't know if I should be scared that I'm getting complacent or feel okay with the idea of being settled.  This is a time-will-tell situation, I think.

That's it for this month, short and kinda sweet (and a bit stale).  See ya'll in November!