Jun 13, 2003 11:09
Well for a pretty shitty week...I did have one thing to brighten it up. The cutest couple of the century got their asses engaged! (that shouldn't sound dirty but it kinda does) Congratulations Baby Jackie and Matt. (on a side note: if blue mountain cards wasn't a sell out bitch, I'd be sending them this amazing e-card that is a line of rats with Sombreros on doing the Conga...and the card reads, "Conga-rat-ulations!! don't even tell me that doesn't crack your shit up)
Jacqueline Chapman sounds very nice. Sarita Williams...not so nice. I'm thinking Sarita Mani Williams. I'll still sign Sarita WIlliams...but secretly I'll know...it's Mani WIlliams.
It's a lot more fun planning your friends wedding than planning your own. I have to focus on my o wn...but damn it's hard not getting distracted with this one. I don't want to freak Jackie out and be lilke...oh you can do this...and this Oooo and that will be pretty....CRAP have i turned into that wedding girl? naw...i don't love everything that ha s to do with weddings. O.K enough wedding talk.
I'm still at work. I have 1 week left. I hate this training people stuff b/c I'm training people that don't really know how to use the computer. I know it's a lot to learn and it sucks to have to learn it a ll in 2 weeks...but damn...writing down double click on the icon to open it. That shit doesn't need to be written down...you just know...you double click...here is the thought process. (1 click)...hummm it didn't open. (1 click again)...still not hing o pens....well it must be broken...i give up!
Don't make me come over there and strangle you.
What else is going on.... Andrew is leaving for Vegas this weekend. I'm sure I'll be hitting up all the sushi I can get with da girls.
On a side note...ou r house is fucking spotless...and for no reason. No one is coming to visit...it's just clean...it makes me happy. You wanna know the fucking best feeling in the world. Getting into a bed that just had the sheets pulled out of the dryer and the bed is w arm and smells good. That rules. BUt only if it's cold out. If you do that when it's hot...I think you'll die.
in closing don't drink milk...just because i hate it...that all.
™™ - I'll be happy when I leave this job and this shit doesn't pop up in my LJ's . I have know idea where the fuck that stuff comes from.