Jul 05, 2004 03:22
Man you know that feeling when in the situation given there seems to be no hope at all. Yeah this is my life. Every time, and I mean every time, my life wants to look up, along comes an event that slaps me in the face so hard that I end up staring down at the blood dripping from my nose. Like tonight, for example, starts out as a wonderful day. I stayed at my girlfriends house last night and woke up today for July 4th. The day was going by swell and the subject comes up about my girlfriend having a job. Well her dad doesn't want his baby to grow up so every job offer she's gotten he won't take her to it (she doesn't have a car). Well I made the comment that I believed that she would get a job making more than he does, and out of nowhere he threatens to whip my A$$ and tells me to get out of his house. HIS INSECURITIES LED TO ANGER OVER THE FACT THAT HIS DAUGHTER COULD BE MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN HIM. Most fathers would be proud if their children were more successful than them, not this one. See I believe there are two types of deadbeat dads in this world; one is the kind that donates his sperm to impregnate, but doesn't even stay around long enough to find out the baby's name; then there are those that are never home and when they do come in after work they could care less about their children because NASCAR is on and they need a beer.
Okay your thinking that wasn't that bad but that is not all... I will write more tomorrow I'm battered and worn.