Time for something new.

Feb 07, 2030 17:51

This Journal Is Friends Only

If you want to friend me, here are a few things you should know:

I'm going to post a LOT about Stephen Colbert, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Colbert Report, and  Strangers With Candy.

I'm a fangirl who loves meeting other fangirls so we can do fangirly fangirling together.

I'm also going to post about my personal life.

I LOVE having new LJ friends.

If I don't comment on your entries right away, it's because I'm trying to get a feel for who you are.

If we don't comment on each other's journals for a few months, I'll probably delete you. I don't like friends that I don't ever talk to/don't talk to me.

friends only

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