Jul 25, 2010 07:38
Its been nearly ten yrs since Jennifer passed, after a 6 month long intensive care struggle following her 2nd vascular surgery. The months following the surgery, were hard, with complications, frustrations and fear, as she fought on, finally succumbing to an unexpected inoperable fistula between aorta and colon, fading quickly with just enough time for me to drive from work, and bid her good bye.
My life since then has been bumpy the first five years, a mix of hope and efforts to move on in my life, while parenting my son through high school followed by a smoother path in the most recent five since I met Jane.
We've built a new life in California, the impetus from my 3rd layoff moving us here in '07, and we've made some aggressive real estate choices which appear to be working out.
Our hard work, careful husbandry of resources and decision to start "Lightheart Cellars" should see us graciously provided for in our golden years.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to learn and love many times in my life, not all opportunities have had happy endings, but all have shaped me, and I would not give any of them away.