Nov 26, 2009 20:03
On this holiday meant for stuffing your turkey, along with your face, and giving thanks, I decided to compile a list of things I am thankful for.
I am thankful for:
My family
My friends
My cats
The fact that I am surrounded by a vast amount of people who love and care for me
My KDT sisters
The fact that I haven't said what I've wanted to for some time now...because I fear the reprecautions of it
My rediscovery of LiveJournal - I think it's going to save my life
The Twilight series for keeping me preoccupied and entertained for the past year
Harry Potter for always keeping me entertained
The fact that I'm single
And finally...the fact that I'm happy. Well for the most part.
I am truly blessed and I really have nothing to complain about. I just ate and I'm filled to the brim with Thanksgiving yumminess. And because of the feast, I am completely exhausted. So now I think it's time to nap.
make love not war PEACE