Christmas is the shitt..
I got what I asked for.
I'm so happy. =)
I spent the night at Chelsie's on Christmas.
Oh wow.. we had so much fun. =)
< bff 3
"crunk juice, crunk juice"
Today didn't turn out to be anything really
at all.
-I wanted to do something w/ Clayton,
but that didn't work out =(
-So then I was gonna go shopping with Eric,
but that didn't exactly turn out either. : /
Which reminds me...
I really NEED to hangout w/
Laurel / Danielle / Kelsey / Lesley / Ramy / Courtney
Laina / Bridget / Ali / Hogan / Tippa / Sami ...ect.!
I miss my girls so much. =(
Oh yes,
and partying w/ Miss K. Slater.
is deff. a must also.
but anyway - -
Pat came over today..
we just chilled.
It was fun. =)
I'm not really sure about anything anymore, I've come to the realization that I really need to get my priorities in order, grow up a little bit ..annddd actually like look at situations from other peoples points of view. I'm so selfish it makes me sick. My self esteem is at like 0 right now..
I've really been sucking at life lately.
yes.. more than usual Brad. ;-)
"Brad and Courtney,
sitting in a tree.."
how adorable <3
You owe me bucko.
hah. =)
It seems like everyone is getting ljs these days,
Beth got one,
Lesley got one,
and I'm helping Stace w/ hers right now.
its exciting.
I should go..
I can't wait for New Years.
I get to party w/ Swissa . =)
Well I'm going now.
but 1st I think you should do this.
Hello, you striking person!
You are the gorgeous poinsettia, but people should not let your looks
or personality fool them. You are the type who could either be
really nice or very spiteful. Others probably don't want to be around
you when you are in a bad mood. You like the presence of other people
and you care about them, but sometimes you could lash out at them,
which could be the side of you that you try to control. Other than that,
you are a great person and you have a good heart.
Merry Christmas =)
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