"Learn to stear A**HOLE!"

Oct 24, 2004 22:05

Well I spent the weekend in boston. Went up friday night on the train and hung around dave's dorm for a bit. We baked a cake with these girls across the hall and sent this poor kid on a scavenger hunt for his stuffed animal,(ok, so it was funny watching him run around the building, but still).

Saturday I took the bus to the race course and we practiced with john and he swore at another boat that passed us as we were heading into a narrow archway. Then I hung with katie for the rest of the day, several of us went out to dinner at this italian place near jame's hotel, and I ended up sleeping in katie's hotel room because my bro was rather busy that night, and I would have slept on the floor again if I went to his dorm.

Sunday we got to the race course at 8 and raced at 10. Race went pretty good considering most of the other crews were college crews. Got passed by 2 boats and then passed one back. That one was Upper Canadian College, who swerved all over the fucking course, came back towards us near the finish, and hit us near the stern. Mike valiently tried to decapitate their bow seat while the rest of us rowed and swore at them. This allowed New cannan high school to come up on the inside and beat us by a second. Those idiots easily cost us 10 seconds and we finished 48/54 with a time of 13:30.268 (should be 45/54 but thats life).

Later sunday I went to this open house at Olin College, that place looks kick ass. They offer facilities to start your own business and if you get in it a full scholarship, plus I really like how they teach engineering, it's all real hands on. I'm not getting my hopes up though, they only admit 75 people per class.

And then I went home and watched the Sox win 6-2 so that was awesome.

I didn't get to see my good friend ashley up in boston though, she was performing with her troupe up in cambridge somewhere but I was at the open house when she was in boston, dam schedules not aligning :(
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