New vid: The Notebook (Allison/Noah) 2004

May 07, 2007 01:53

Fandom:The Notebook
Vid title: Letters
Music by : Watershed
Vid by : saltwatergirl
Duration: 3:53 minutes
Paring Noah (Ryan Gosling)/Allie (Rachel McAdams)
ETA:Rating 13NS

Links {right click save as}||19.9 MB|| (Standard Quality, I'm sorry I currently don't have a link) ||38.6 MB (HD)

The Notebook is a gorgeous movie and it was an absolute pleasure to make this vid. Ever since I started vidding I've wanted to make a Allie/Noah vid. Finding the right song to illustrated The Notebook became an interesting challenge.
The Vid
For example a vidder may hear a song one day and immediately think: Summer/Seth! Or entertain the idea of making an Summer/Seth vid before he/she has thought of a song. Which leads to the question: What came first: the idea or the song? When I first heard "Letters" by Watershed I didn't think much of it at first. It sounded to me like just like any other song. Then one day I actually listened to the words. I heard, felt, the meaning and I was moved. Such simple words put together, nothing fancy "…I want to be by myself tonight with you". Made me think of the first lines in The Notebook the book. And then everything fell it into place and Letters was finally finished.
The director
This the first time I've ever watched a Nick Cassavetes movie. The breath taking opening sequence of The Notebook speak for themselves about his work.

The actors
There's something really ernest and sincere in Ryan Gosling's portortray of Noah in The Notebook. In the two DVD commentaries both the director and the writer praise him for his performance Rachel McAdams is versatile as an actress if you consider her role min the teen cult classic Mean Girls.
The music

Lyrics - Letters by Watershed
Suppose I write it in note tonight?
Suppose at night you find it by your bedside light?
I hoping that it will finds you A.O.K.
I hope I say it right...

A heart felt thank you to my beta carnivouroslamb

Letters- The Notebook
Our memories
a painting, becomes alive
to dance a last dance

movies, vid, books

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