Trick or Treat Letter

Sep 18, 2015 00:54

Yes please: I'm fairly non-picky with regards to AU or canon-world fic, I love them both! I'm also not a text purist so if you want to bend canon a bit/write off the top of your head without double and triple-checking the wiki/just go wild with the timeline please feel free. This is my first time doing a fic exchange so really I'm just pleased to be participating. :D

No please: Pregnancy/Mpreg, ABO, BDSM, underage, non- or dub-con. Student/Teacher AUs

Treats: ohh man okay so. I love a lot of stuff but tropes I always melt for: coffeeshop AUs, faking dating, hurt/comfort. And for football rpf in particular, future fic! Love me some future fic. Also fix-its! Also with regards to relationships, anything from gen to smut is fine!

Tricks: apocalypse AUs, dark sci-fi AUs (in space no one can hear you screeeeaammm etc etc), Inception-y AUs! Fight Club AUs! Character studies where fandom's favourite is actually a manipulative asshole! (Xabi Alonso, I'm looking at you) Dark!fic of all kinds, so long as it avoids the stuff in my 'no' list.

Football RPF: Xabi Alonso, Iker Casillas, Steven Gerrard, Miroslav Klose, Philipp Lahm, Manuel Neuer, Sergio Ramos, Lukas Podolski, Bastian Schweinsteiger

I've been a German NT fan for longer than I've been using the internet. Anything about them hanging out and having fun (or alternatively, surviving whatever AU you choose to throw them into) is guaranteed to turn my eyes into actual hearts. Feel free to combo whichever pairings you like! Seriously. I’m a multishipping mess.

I also have a sad little always-going-to-be-nostalgic-about-2006 thing going on and would love anything set during that particular world cup (bb schweinski? Not-yet-a-legend Miro? Pre-power grab Fips? Ohmygosh) but again- literally anything with Germany is great!

And if you’re not a fan of die Mannschaft/are just plain sick and tired of Germans living it up since last year, I’m also a sucker for Iker/Sergio (either Spain or Real Madrid....or long-distance ;___;) and Stevie/Xabi, in any and all incarnations. Or genfic with these guys!

Sense8: Amanita, Sun Bak, Felix Bernner, Riley Blue, Wolfgang Bogdanow, Capheus, Kala Dandekar, Will Gorski, Hernando, Nomi Marks, Lito Rodriguez, Daniela Velasquez

Found families are kinda my weakness so you can imagine Sense8 completely won me over from the start. It’s also, amazingly, a show where all the canon pairings I love?? The last time this happened was never. So any canon relationship you want to write is fine by me.

Non-canon, I’m also super into the idea of Riley/Capheus and Wolfgang/Felix!

Anything will be appreciated! Lito, Hernando, and Daniela going Out and About doing domestic things! Nomi and Amanita enter the Matrix! Prison-break Sun! Wolfgang and Felix being terrible! (if you didn’t pick up on it, I’m a football fan so if you are too and you want to do some Wolfgang/Felix based on the Hertha-Union rivalry, please be my honoured guest)

Hellblazer: Chas Chandler, John Constantine

John/Chas is one of the Great Underrated Comics Pairings of the world. I’m a big fan of fic where John is the terrible person that he is, but tbh if you want to write fluffy domestics where they summon a demon to make them tea while they watch bad sci-fi movies then please go for it. I just like these two a lot.

If you want to write gen I’d love that as well! There should just be more fic about these guys. Being no-good punks spray-painting rude slogans over Thatcher election posters, being crotchety old men complaining about everything. It’s all good! My only request is that you don’t write an AU, they stay in Hellblazer canon and not the Constantine television canon: i.e. England (and the 80s/90s if they’re younger) rather than America.

trick or treat, author letter

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