Out of Character Information
player name: Susa
player livejournal:
cosmickisserplaying here: N/A
where did you find us? Through a few friends!
are you 16 years of age or older?: Yes.
In Character Information
character name: Dean Winchester
Fandom: Supernatural
Timeline: 3x15 -- "Time Is On My Side"
character's age: 29
powers, skills, pets and equipment:
Cannonicly, Dean has no supernatural powers of any kind.
Dean is a hunter through and through, no matter how long he might sit out of the game. Albeit rusty with a year's break, he still knows what to do, and his gut instincts will never change as long as he's alive. Even with the break, he's been back in the game for a bit now, and even if he isn't as up to bar with his abilities as he might have been at the end of the Apocalypse, he's getting back to that point quite fast anyway since he's been forced back into the ring of things with the Mother of All loose and the war in Heaven.
Some of his key skills are;
Hunting; As said, Dean is a hunter. He knows how to track an enemy without being seen, knows how to lure them out to begin with and not blow his cover. He has nerves of steel when the situation calls for it, and he takes his job very seriously. He's been in the game for most of his life, from the moment his dad started training him for the role of a hunter, to the moment he took on his first hunt -- up to the very end of the Apocalypse.
Dean knows his job. He knows how to deal with his prey, and even if a new creature of some kind pops up, he's very good at figuring out the hows and why's of eradicating the new species. His knowledge on mythology and such is very extensive, and along the ways he has even picked up a few skills in spells himself. Fro example, he knows how to use the angel banishing spell.
He knows how to handle a hunt, from the very early stages of purely asking questions, to finally taking out whatever creature crossed his path. He can be stealthy, and come up with last-minute changes to plans that end up working out, such as a sudden to find an escape route, or change tactics on how to handle the creature he's hunting. His tactical skills often step in as well in the form of being able to read people easily, and knowing how to manipulate them into whatever role he wants them to play.
He's a con-man, able to lie and deceive his way to information that may be inaccessible to a normal person. His skills as a hunter have also lead to him being very skilled at quite a few things that wouldn't sit well with the law. He can pick locks, break into tightly secured buildings and hot-wire cars. Dean also knows how police departments and other such systems work, being able to both impersonate them and avoid them when needed with surprising ease.
Another trait picked up from his father which also plays into his life as hunter, is how well-versed he is in the skills of a mechanic. Dean keeps his '67 Chevy Impala in top condition and has an extensive knowledge on automobiles and engines alike.
Weapon handling; As a hunter, Dean knows his firearms and other monster-handling equipment better than he knows most day-to-day items. From a very early age, Dean was left with the task of looking after his brother while their dad went off on a hunt. John Winchester would give his eldest son a gun and the orders to look after Sam, and to shoot first, ask later. This lead to Dean knowing how to use a gun at a very early age, and by the time he was 11, he'd built his own gun.
This also lead to Dean growing up very skilled with melee weapons, and he is also an exceptionally good shot. He is often seen with weapons such as a chromed Colt 1911, presumably a gun he got from his father, and also a Desert Eagle which is often rounded up with salt bullets. Dean also knows how to handle a sniper rifle, and a machete-- and other large knives and blades.
When all else fails, don't count him out as being uncreative, for Dean'll use just about anything as a weapon if the situation turns grim like that.
Hand-to-hand combat; When things get a little too up close and personal, or he doesn't want to hurt whoever he is fighting, Dean often goes with hand-to-hand combat. It is never revealed what kind of style he uses, but from what is seen, Dean is very skilled at subduing and disarming a person with no weapons of his own. He is also able to take on supernatural creatures this way, though they might be physically stronger than him.
> .45 caliber Colt MK IV Series 80 1911
> Desert Eagle
> Large machete
He also has the clothes which he was wearing of course and the keys to his Chevy Impala, and his dad's journal.
As for powers Dean would develop in-game (since, as said, he doesn't have any sort of powers in canon), I was thinking that he would very slowly start to develop something close to what angel's can do in his world. This would be because he is still the archangel Michael's vessel, so it seems most…fitting. A normal angel's powers are teleportation, healing, smiting, and so on. For Dean though, he would only develop the very basics of these skills, and maybe with time, they would get stronger…
I hope that's okay?
canon history:
Here we go. personality:
During the first season of the show, Dean is mostly portrayed as a young man with a very healthy amount of humor ready for display at any given moment. He often makes light of situations this way, no matter how futile things might appear at the given time though. As is, during the beginning of Dean's and Sam's hunting career together again, Dean is a lot more confident, outspoken and alive, in more ways than one.
As said, Dean likes to joke around a lot. He has a habit of poking fun at almost anything, always drawing comparisons between people and situations by referring to popular pop culture things and people. Even when serious, Dean isn't able to completely kick the habit, though it is during times like this that he resorts to simpler means of humor like ridiculous and insulting nicknames. As an example he often calls Uriel, an Angel, 'Junkless.'
Sam is Dean's main source of energy and it is in the earlier days that Dean truly believes himself to be capable of keeping his younger brother out of harm and serving as Sam's guardian against anything and everything. He relishes the time he gets to spend with Sam during their hunts, this being the closest to family he has at the moment. Dean doesn't like to show his weakness' though, hardly ever actually telling Sam how he feels.
It is only under crucially critical times that Dean truly opens up and this being also hardly for anyone else but Sam. Even then the information --the thoughts, feelings and whatever else is on his mind-- has to be pried out of Dean and only a few can accomplish that. He'd rather cause an awkward situation by changing the subject if confronted by a out right question about his feelings.
The first major blow to Dean's usually confident and smiley-self is when his father, John Winchester, dies. Dean's anguish over this is very, very clear though he denies any attempts made by Sam to talk about it, this thus causing him to take out his anger in a different way; killing more supernatural beings, and doing so in more brutal methods. He also lashes out more, his anger building faster as he tail-spins from everything he's feeling since the death of his father.. His judgment is clouded and the world around him seems more black and white than ever before, making hunting a lot more simpler and inhuman. Slowly though, Dean is able to come to terms with John's death, letting his older self back-- though never truly being who he was back when his father was alive.
When Dean is pulled out of Hell by Castiel, he comes back broken. There is no denying that Dean isn't as strong as he was before, his confidence having been beaten to almost a breaking point. He is a lot more careful with his decisions and a lot more protective of Sam. He is also a lot more scared; for Sam, for himself and for the world. Having experienced Hell, he does not want to let it break loose on earth, making his judgment frail, not wanting to make hasty decisions.
Still, even whilst suffering with the heavy burdens on his life, Dean tries to keep a positive appearance, though with time-- and to anyone closer to Dean, it is very obvious that he isn't all right. Ready to help people with supernatural problems, Dean tries to keep his personal feelings away from the job, and it is when faced with heavy problems that Dean tries to tune out all of his emotions; both positive and negative ones, this making him cool, calm and efficient.
With the war raging on between demons and angels, it's becoming harder and harder for Dean to just bounce back to his normal self, his character growing more tired and thus colder with each passing event.
This becomes even more apparent during the next year, once Lucifer walks free from his cage. Things happen -- bad things, that change Dean a lot. A sort of cold harshness mixed with worry and guilt over doing the right thing opposed to what he wants to do makes itself apparent in him as the decisions he and his brother make affect the very outcome of both their lives and pretty much the rest of the world. Over the course of the year, he starts to care less and less, even once hitting a point where he simply wants to give up. It's only thanks to Sam and Cas that he doesn't, but never before, really, has he hit such a low, and although he does finally get out of that slump, it's only barely.
After the Apocalypse, after Sam jumps into the Pit with Lucifer and Michael, Dean seeks to keep his promise to his brother and try to live a normal life. With a year spent as a civilian, Dean undergoes probably the most drastic change in personality since...forever. He calms down a lot and matures, learning about a different kind of family life with Lisa and Ben. During all this, while a lot of mellower sides are brought out in him, the hunter in Dean also dulls and is forgotten for a while-- until it's forced to resurface once more. And although he does, at least to some extent enjoy the year he spends with Lisa and Ben, there's still that undertone of depression in him. Things simply aren't the same, aren't good at all for him when he knows Sam is most likely suffering down in Hell.
Things are difficult for Dean when Sam comes back, and some of the harsher things in the life of a hunter suddenly seem too black and white to him. His past-self clashes with the person he is today, though he tries to keep both in a balance. It's not always easy though, and thus he worries and stresses a lot since he has been out of the game for a while. The stress and worry over his brother finally find a more sensible sours when he finds out that his brother doesn't have a soul, thus Sam's weird behavior. Everything makes a bit more sense, but none of his stress really calms down. His brother would sell him for a soda if he was really thirsty, and seems to overall just be about anyone else but his brother Sam.
What finally, and for the first time in a very, very long period, gets a real, genuine smile from Dean, and has him appearing a lot lighter, and just happier, is when Sam finally gets his soul back. Though it doesn't last long, with the world under a new threat, while Dean is on a hunt with the newly soul-restored Sam, he acts way more like himself from the past. He smiles, jokes and sort of seems to mold back into his old self; the annoying but caring older brother he was in the first few years of hunting (seasons 1-3), before the loom of the oncoming Apocalypse.