
Feb 28, 2009 02:24

1. Where did your LJ handle come from?
     The current one is "saltroseortopaz" and it's from a translation of Pablo Neruda poem.

2. How do you style your hair?
     Hahaha "style". Um. Well, if I'm actually planning on doing anything that day, then it's a) shower, blow-dry, and toss something in it for some volume & less fly-aways or b) twist it into a chignon, pin it, hairspray the fuck out of it because my hair is fine as hell and will slide right out of anything I do to it, and go. Occasionally I wear ponytails.
     Yeah but most days you're probably lucky if this shit is combed, seriously.

3. What is making you happy right now?
     I have spent an unusual amount of today bitching! But uh no, there are good times in the online and the offline. ...yes, my answer to this is "stuff".

4. What are you currently reading?
     Well I've got a list of things I should be reading but presently am actually, in fact, not. (I kinda want to investigate this Mieville stuff, & I have promised to pick up some of the Hellboy novels.) I need to reread some Belgariad/Mallorean if I want to do anything with Belgarath again (iffy - he's been in limbo a while now), and Kay and I still have one last book of the Tamuli to get through. Also, my bed is covered in shitty tabloids because sometimes I like to read them and my mom keeps coming in like DO YOU WANT MY MAGAZINES? YES? HERE.

5. Do you need music to study/write?
     Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I don't, usually, like silence - but sometimes I need it to think, or I just have a headache.

6. Favourite time of day?
     3-5AM, better if there's someone around to talk to.

7.What is the ugliest body part?
     ...like, mine, or in general? In general I am going to say I think balls are funny. Also, male nipples. What's that about.

8. Do you like being the gender that you are?

9. What is your favorite movie genre?
     Bond is a genre, right? I don't know, actually. I like action movies a lot. Funny but not obnoxious, lots of explosions, both flavours of eye-candy. I'm not hard to please. (Okay, yes I am.)

10. What was the last thing you ate today?
     Gnocchi. It is fucking delicious, tyvm.

11. What is your favorite color?
     Blue. I also really like purple.

12.How much money do you think you are worth?
     A whole herd of goats.

13. What's your favorite food?
     I hate food :(

14. Which languages do you wish you spoke?
     German, Russian. Italian. Greek. Latin, definitely. Maybe French, eh. Maori.

15. What is your biggest pet peeve?
     I'm really fucking irritable, so I'll just say "willful stupidity" rather than ranting about half a dozen things.

16. Do you have anything you've collected for a long time?
     Books. ...clothes and shoes.

17. What did you want to be when you grew up?
     Aspirations have included: a lawyer (Ben whatshisface from Dunedin really wants me to move to Dunedin and study law, I'm not sure why), an actress, a trophy wife, a Bond girl (but sorry, DCraig, you just don't do it for me), a doctor (I got over that real quick), a psychiatrist (which is just a type of doctor, yes, but separate times), a model (hahahaha oh my god no). Presently I will settle for "alive & not a fucking invalid".

18. Where would you like your next holiday to be?
     It's going to be Brisbane.

19. What's your favorite smell?
     Men's cologne.

20. Do you have any pets?
     I have a cat (poss. doubles satanic gatekeeper) by the name of Dr Lemuel Beldin McDamnit II, of Clan McDamnit. My mother and sister also have dogs - Bree, our red doberman x, and Finn, our retarded cocker spaniel pedigree show dog. We got him for free because the woman who'd paid thousands of dollars for this bag of stupid and drool didn't realize what a hassle cocker spaniels are and needed to be rid of him in a hurry. We don't show him, we just mock him for being the dumbest dog in existence. (My therapist has a cocker spaniel that looks just like him.)

meme tiem is nau

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