oddly (perhaps not) i never use the word "wingwong" unless referring to this particular annaism.

Feb 09, 2009 07:33

[07:28] xiphapotamus: I was up till 6 yesterday I don't even know why, wasn't like I was doing anything, my internet was being all breaky too
[07:28] dr of rpology: UGH mine has been a bitch all week idk what it's problem is
[07:28] xiphapotamus: menopause?
[07:28] dr of rpology: ...possibly.
[07:29] xiphapotamus: when in doubt blame it on hormones
[07:29] dr of rpology: idk if this is strictly speaking going to Work for ... internet.
[07:29] xiphapotamus: why not?
[07:29] xiphapotamus: modems get cranky too
[07:29] dr of rpology: yes but
[07:30] xiphapotamus: your modem is prolly like
[07:30] dr of rpology: relevant: do they have hormones.
[07:30] xiphapotamus: YOU DON'T APPRECIATE ME ANYMORE
[07:30] xiphapotamus: yes they do
[07:30] xiphapotamus: all the wires
[07:30] dr of rpology: no i don't think so.
[07:30] dr of rpology: this is like wingwongs and snaps
[07:30] dr of rpology: they do not have them.
[07:30] dr of rpology: and like how a boy would likely be v. concerned if someone was to begin speculating that she could snap off his wingwong and then snap it back on
[07:30] dr of rpology: like a fun game
[07:31] dr of rpology: i think the modem would be Concerned - IF IT HAD HORMONES AND LIKE, A CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM AND WHAT ALL AND THINGS IT REQUIRES FOR THIS, WHICH IT DOES NOT HAVE - by your speculation here about how it's just having hot flashes.
[07:31] dr of rpology: it's just this theory i have.
[07:32] xiphapotamus: wow.
[07:32] xiphapotamus: you should publish that shit.
[07:32] dr of rpology: i really should.
[07:32] dr of rpology: enlightening shit, right there.
[07:32] dr of rpology: though i would have to probably credit anna for the assertion that wingwongs have snaps.
[07:33] xiphapotamus: I think buddhism's tagline should be 'enlightening shit right here'.
[07:33] dr of rpology: that i feel it's important is publicly disproven, with whatever methodology best suits your interpretation of "in public".
[07:33] dr of rpology: in other words i think we should go pants some dudes.

aim log

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