i think i've done this one ic. repeatedly.

Jan 24, 2009 01:19

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

queries from ubiquitous_girl

1. What is the craziest thing you've done?
It's strangely hard to narrow it down to one thing that is definitively the craziest thing I ever did. HMMM. Okay, this probably isn't it, but it's goddamn funny and kind of wtf in retrospect - I'd say it made perfect sense at the time, but really I think we were just bored. I used to know this girl in Dunedin, Jo, when I was about eight years old (maybe nine). We found like...a LOT of porn magazines in a garage while we were mucking around - we were neeever supervised at her house, long story - and got it into our heads to take them and put them in everybody's mailboxes along the street. We pretty much put a magazine per mailbox until we ran out. (And we had...quite a few.) I never found out how people reacted to that. Awkward. That same day we stole milk out of some little old lady's mailbox and eventually my mother found the bottles in the bottom of my wardrobe. I don't even know.

2. If you had to swap bodies with someone for a day, who would it be?
...idk, nobody really springs to mind. Weird.

3. What do you see yourself doing in five years' time?
I never have a good answer to this question; five years ago the idea of living to twenty-one (as I will be this coming Monday) was kind of alien, not that it's old, just that I would actually get here. Twenty-six seems kind of far away too! I hope I'm dancing. I know I'll still be writing. Beyond that, right now I'm thinking six months at a time and it's the first time I've really even thought that planning ahead is an option. This sounds kind of depressing but I feel good about it, that I do now. Baby steps.

4. What is the best and worst things about RP-ing?
I love the cooperative aspect; I like writing with my friends and the weird shit that we come up with at 3AM and then somehow make work. I enjoy hammering out details of characterisation and deciding on dates for events and fucking about with code and graphics to make it all look kind of nice. I like writing stories with people, and silly little in-jokes that crop up, and going back and rereading it later like "yeaaaah we nailed that BD BD BD". I like the people that I meet through stuff! I really love picking apart characters to see what makes them tick and then working with it. I like stuff, basically.
Some things I don't love...I don't know, I think it's like any hobby with any people, you don't get along with everybody ever 100% of the time (y'all, people don't even get on with their FRIENDS 100% of the time). I don't like getting stuck into things I don't want to do in order to keep the peace, or avoiding people that I like because of mutual acquaintances that I don't, I think sometimes the out-of-character drama can get out of hand and it's frustrating, it's like, I'm not here for a popularity contest? I just want to write the stuff I like with the people I play best with? But people are gonna clash, end of story, you just roll with it and minimize the damage. I try to keep 'if it's not fun, don't do it' in mind.

5. Your favourite colour?
Blue! I love blue.

questions from celebcorps

1. what is your favorite rp character that you don't play anymore? why on both counts?
That I don't play any more? Narcissa Malfoy. I have really fond memories of the stuff I did with her - she was my first ever LJ RP character, I got to play with people who I had really loved following along in a previous game. Every time I talk to Laura I'm reminded of how much I loved writing Narcissa & Aldous; there were defs flaws and I've come a long way since I wrote her, but they had a very complete story and I loved her interactions with her family, her friends, people she didn't like, people she did like, people whose lives she just passed through. I put a lot of time and energy into her, and her closest relationships. I wrote an AU of her for a while after Finale closed, and I've tried to pick her up again a few other times - I don't really know, it just never really works out. I like what I had with her, and idk, that time has passed? I would need a new world that complete to put her in, and I...don't want to play in Harry Potter games, and I liked the world and story we had there, aaand...I guess I'm just not that into you, HP fandom :(

2. if you had to pick a country to live in because new zealand idk fell off the turtle or something what would it be?
Probably England. I don't know why? It's just the first place that springs to mind. Oh, I'd go there.

3. when you first had alcohol did you gag and hate it like a terrified fifteen year old who snuck into a frat party or did you like it?
When I first had alcohol I was about seven years old, it was watered down wine, and I really liked it - my mom actually kept that up, she figured it was better for me to be used to it and learn as I got older what my limits were, rather than have it be something ~*forbidden*~ that I would promptly go wild with. I tend to get drunk but I really do drink it for the taste - idk, I like it. I don't like beer, though. I have never liked beer. Stella Artois is drinkable, that's about it.

4. what's your favorite disney movie?
...The Three Musketeers. WHAT, IT'S DISNEY.

5. for every person who was ever horrible to you, what would you rather do: kill them or erase their memories completely ala HRG and the haitian vs asshat quarterback?
I think I'd find erasing their memories kind of creepy. Also just...I don't know, weirdly unsatisfying. Obviously they should die.

meme tiem is nau

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