May 18, 2008 03:29
This is in fact the SECOND TIME IN A WEEK I have goddamn nearly slept an entire twenty-four hours. Please explain to me why this is happening and how I can make it stop (but expect that I will disregard the latter because I always do).
My tag is a LIE, by the way, the afternoon would've been FINE, but NO, I woke up at ELEVEN THIRTY PM. ROUGHLY. I'm not tired any more, but I am very annoyed, especially because this means I can't eat until tomorrow because Mum was going to get me something last night and totally forgot and now it's ridiculous o'clock at night and how am I supposed to get food NOW. :| Hungry Dele is hungry. */whine whine whine* yes yes ignore that.
I have this story to write, which I am sort of THINKING ABOUT more than I'm actually working on it, I have an outline but I need to flesh out the outline more and I've got a first line (because first lines and last lines are usually the easiest thing for me) but I have NOTHING ELSE, I mean, technically I have a story but it would be awesome if it would just write itself. And then I could go "the end" with a flourish and post it, VOILA. I want to work on RP things but mostly my mind is skittering from thing to thing like a three-legged cat on crack (mocking three legged cats apparently theme this morning; not sure why).
Except when I focus on one thing to the exclusion of all else (see: Kay and I intently psychoanalyzing Julian Sands for no apparent reason).
Anyway, here's hoping this crash period is going to be followed by some mania if only so I can get a few things done. (Yes yes no I don't mean that -- well, I do, but I know it's stupid.)
eta: in conclusion: i don't sound like myself to myself in this entry because i didn't swear enough. insert gratuitous obscenity as you see fit.
btw i'm insane,
waking up in the afternoon,
what am i even talking about now