
Nov 03, 2005 09:49

All I have to say is...WOW

I know I have not updated in SO long....but SO much has happened. I don't even know where to start.

One of my friends say on their away message "Think big. Do big things." I guess this year I have followed that quote. I joined a School Organization at Wayne State Called Student Senate last hmmm, March? Anyway, I was donned the position of becoming an executive board member. I agreed to plan corporate events for Student senate. Basically I call up and make contacts with people of businesses and either they come down to campus and talk to students or we go to their business and take a tour. But seriously, NO ONE wants to sign up for ANY organization...and it's SOOO hard when we didn't have a budget approved until like, this past week to get any incentive for students to come to these events. So hopefully now that refreshments will be provided, more people will show up.

It usually takes me a few bad grades in classes to pick up my slack and work ethic in school; however, I'm getting at least a D in every one of my 4 classes. I really really need to get on the ball b/c i only have like, 6 more weeks to get back in and hopefully change those D's to at LEAST B's. I'm also deciding to spead out my workload and graduate in December of 2006. Just an extra semester to hopefully bring up my GPA. Also agreeing to be a member of Faculty Senate in helping choose a new Dean for the Business School, I have to take on a little more responsibility. I just keep thinking "anything that'll look good on my resume I'll do."

The romance a little dry. I recently met someone last month. Seriously, I don't know what it is, but I just like, KNOW when I've met someone who kinda has an inkling of what they wanna do w/ their lives and are smart in going about pursuiung it. I had met that someone, and things seemed SOOOO great, like, hungout EVERY DAY that week, showed interest in each other, I became a pushover and put the person first above my own personal matters and commitments, I laid my life down for the kid, and then to like, all of a sudden just stop talking or call and tell me what tehy were doing and not invite me along? I DON'T get it. Maybe I'm too nice. Whatever, didn't want a relationship when everything seemed so right. *shrugs* oh well, I'm over it, and it really helps when friends tell me I can do better. I think I need to like, not be so readily available all the time, no matter how bad I wanna see the person. It really sucks how when someone sees that things are going great have to stop and think and think a lot that they're not ready for a relationship and see that they're afraid someone "too good" comes along and they don't wanna get into it. WHY THE FUCK NOT?! If someone makes you feel good and all u do is think about that one person, then why the hell not? You're bound to get ur heartbreaks, but when I specifically tell the person how I feel, why does it turn them away? Seriously NOT to sound at all egotistical, but people can come up to me and tell me I'm hot and say "You're sister never told me she had such a beautiful brother" and wants to hang out and stuff, why do they run away? I'm not a psycho, I'm not weird, I have my head on my shoulders and everything, doors are opening for me, I see one milestone is soon to come to an end and a new one is starting, I know I wanna make money and I'll do what it takes to be a rich well-being businessman, I've already started an IRA account for retirement, I'm thinking ahead and actually learning from what those older than me with more experience are telling me what I need to do to make the money I want to make. Whatever, I think it's the young ones who are stupid and immature and I do'nt need to be getting myself into it b/c it pisses me off that they can be so naive and not listen to someone who has went thru everything they still have to endure and are just like "blah, whatever"

Whoo, that was a long one. I think I needed to vent a little. hopefully I get some comments on ur ideas...b/c i guess I'm not seeing the big picture on relationships.
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