Apr 26, 2005 00:09
I know it's been SOOOOO long, and of course, that means there is a LOT to update on.
Let's see, hmmm....can't complain about how my life's been. It's been real busy, school is tough. This is my last week of school. I was supposed to write an essay and update my resume tonight so I can turn in my grant for the International Business Seminar and see if I can't get some money from Wayne State. I haven't started studying for finals, although I really need to get on it. I'm not doing so well in my Math class, getting a D actually. However, if I study enough for it and know how to do a majority of the problems, I can pull a decent grade on the final and get a C and just be DONE with all that garbage. Accounting I'm really really worried about. That one isn't until friday nite at 6pm. I guess I'm going to be getting all C's and one B. I'm not too worried about that now; I can redeem myself and get an A on the Study Abroad paper and my Beatles class the second half of summer (hey, it was my last elective). I joined the School of Business' Student Senate b/c a girl in my class joined last semester and was on the board; and the president and secretaray nominated me in for Vice President of Corporate Events. Sounds snazzy, huh? I basically take care of all the special events and speakers and recruiters for the business school, make sure they come on the right date, set the date for the events, make a lot of phone calls, etc. So I won the position by default since no one was running against me, which is cool. I get a key to the student senate office all next year, so I can finally do homework in peace and just have a get away at school and be at peace. I also am going to help bring more students in the school of business into the senate b/c it's a really great networking opportunity. Next fall I have 5 classes, and I decided to take my ISM classes at the oakland center in Farmington ALL DAY WEDS!! It's gonna be so crazy. Everyone told me to take this one teacher, so I switched my WHOLE schedule around. I will have a class from 9:30-12:30 and then not again until 6. I mean, it's not like I'm going to attend ALL the classes, but it'll give me a place to get all my work done and hopefully study more efficiently. So I have one more year to go!! I'll be done w/ college!! God, it sounds scary, but I really need to grow up and just be done w/ school and land a great job and career and travel and make loads of money, and that's what I'm striving for, and I'm going to reach it.
I've found a new hobby; Ukrainian Pysanka, more known as Easter Eggs. If you don't know what they are, pull it up on ebay or google; you'll be amazed at how us ukrainians decorate these eggs. My mom took them to her school and showed the art teachers and the people who came from ukraine, and they said i have a natural talent at making these. So when I come back from europe, I'm going to make a bunch and sell them at an art fair and make up for the money I'll have spent.
It's really great to not have to worry too much about money; I'm going to buy a digital camera for $550. I will still have plenty for the trip as well. It's just really gonna suck to come back with like, no money and have to make it all up again. I hope that I can go to Indianapolis in August for a few days to watch National Gymnastics Championships. I'm depending on someone to go with me, and ehh, I''m kinda reluctant on his reliability, but we'll see. Yep, I'll be traveling quite a bit this summer, and hopefully more next summer after I graduate.
Romance-wise, ehh, haha, let's not get too much into that. My sister introduced me to some bars that I totally LOVE and really really wish I was 21 like a year ago. I can wait, tho, my 21st is only like, 3 months away. I met this dude who was kind of attractive, except for the smoking. Bad thing is; he's a gay republican, and ALWAYS talked about politics; something I'm not really acknowledgable about and just simply not interested in, but I don't understand how a gay person can be for a republican, esp. bush. Yeah, I know, I'm gonna be a corporate white male soon enough, but republicans like, hate gays I guess, I dunno, see? I told u I know nothing about it. And I was so bored and grossed with making out with a smoker and he called like, everyday, if not, twice. Ughh, why can't I be attracted to someone who liked to call me like, everyday? Anyway, at one of the bars I met this other dude who's 22 and a model, but has a boyfriend. He came and danced w/ me, and I didn't know until after the fact that he was taken. But now I'm interested in him, and I know I can't go there b/c I don't want to ruin something he has w/ his boyfriend. I guess I caught some sluttiness virus from someone who I was previously seeing; didn't care about anyone's feelings and was more about quantity than quality. Oh well, we'll see what happens. there's a whole month between now and when I'm leaving overseas for a month. I'd really like to not be in contact w/ anyone @ home, but rather meet new people and spend time exploring all the neat countries. I don't want to spend ALL my free time writing postcards and searching around for some special souvenir from every country. I wanna buy some expensive clothes while I'm there and take advantage of not having to pay import tax on the stuff. I guess I'm not looking for a relationship right now; I just want to get done with school and know where I'm going (hopefully outta state) for a job. AFter that I can start looking. I also want to reshape my body. My back was a huge problem for the last year, and it's finally pretty much healed, unless I do something stupid to fuck it up again. This summer I'll have the time to concentrate and restructure parts of me that I want to get fixed. I feel fat, but I really didn't gain any weight and I miss being in shape. I wanna gain more muscle and look more attractive, get more cut and bulkier, and I believe I can stop myself from doubting it and drag my ass to the gym and make it happen. It won't be too hard for me, as long as I change my diet plan and eat healthier and boost my immune system.
There's also a lot of extra things that need to get done. I need to completely change my whole room around and add stuff to it and get rid of a lot of stuff. The whole house needs to be like, ransacked and cleaned. I also want to get pest control in and get rid of all the spiders and whatever other nasty bug or insect there is crawling out into the warmer weather. A LOT, and I mean A LOT of shit is wasting space in this house and it's not big to begin with. So I think I, along w/ my sister, are going to go through EVERYTHING and throw away a bunch of useless junk after I come back from Europe. We tended to neglect the house quite badly last summer when the rents weren't home and I was working 3 jobs and 60 hours a week. So we're going to change that!
I'm sure I left out a few things, but I'll try to be more informative more often. Time to study up!! Looks like I'm not going to have a break until next summer w/ school!