My Answers are not very creative...

Mar 19, 2006 15:55

Name three bad habits you have:
1: not loving myself enough
2: not taking very many risks
3: wasting food

Name four scents you love:
1: august
2: clean laundry
3: fruit snacks
4: coffee

Name three things you'd never wear:
1: an oversized t-shirt
2: garbage
3: mc hammer pants

Name four animals you like:
1: moose
2: polar bear
3: wooly mammoth
4: duck

Name four television shows you love:
1: project runway
2: american idol
3: the simpsons
4: sex and the city

Name four bands/groups most people wouldn't expect you to listen to:
1. rascal flatts
2. jack's mannequin
3. jamison parker
4. mae

Name four drinks you regularly drink:
1: Cranberry Juice
2: Orange Juice
3: Water
4: Rockstars

Name four random facts about yourself:
1. i don't look good any other way then having my hair down
2. i could sleep until 7pm at night if you would let me
3. im really poor, 36 cents in my bank account
4. i drive with my left leg bent beside me

Name four random facts about your family:
1. my mom loves the dog more than me
2. we have a pond and that makes me feel weird
3. my family is all down state, and my grandma has nice bike path by her condo
4. my grandma has a little mini love meggie shrine

Have you ever . . .
1. Fallen for your best friend? nope
2. Made out with JUST a friend? i could say yes
3. Been rejected? never given someone the oppertunity 
4. Been in love? check
5. Been in lust? check check 
6. Used someone? many times
7. Been used? others would say i have
8. Cheated on someone? no
9. Been cheated on? kinder
10. Done something you regret? not really

Who was the last person . . .
12. You touched? i dont know?
14. You hugged? caz?
15. You instant messaged? mike
16. You kissed? mike
17. You yelled at? madre
18. You laughed with? myself, or katie
19. You had a crush on? you should know the answer to that one on your own
20. Who broke your heart? myself

Do You
21. Color your hair? nah
22. Have tattoos? trying to decide what i want...still
23. Piercings? ear lobes
24. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? negative...not feeling that scene right now 
25. Floss daily? no and i get heck for it
26. Own a webcam? no
27. Have AOL? was a joke
28. What could you be doing right now besides this? something outside
29. What are you listening to? Syd- Dammit. VERY good song.
30. Chicken or fish? chicken...neither sound good right now though
31. Do you have a favorite animal? i have enough love for many
32. Is ice cream the best thing in the world? not the best, but it is pretty damn good

1. What would your dream date be? one that i had to put no thought into 
2. Single flower or a dozen? single beauty
3. Silver, gold or platinum? platinum...
4. Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? doesn't matter
5. Roses or wild flowers? some wild would be nice...surprising
6. Silly or serious romantic? i like silly...but meaningful 
7. Marvin Gaye or Barry White? marv works...and barry is cool too
8. Do you consider yourself a romantic? yeah i could be
9. Who else would you like to see fill out this survey? ?

In the last 24 hours have you . . .
Laughed? definitely
Helped someone? i think so
Dissected something? no, thats pretty wrong
Drank? some cranberry 
Cut your hair? thats a little weird, no
Kissed someone? negative
Missed someone? not really...ive missed something
Told someone you love them? haven't done that in a very long time
Hugged someone? i may have?
Fallen in love? not really
Met someone new? not in 24 hrs

Q. What CD is in your CD player right now? taste of chaos compilation cd
Q. Who is your favorite Spice Girl? im pretty sure i like sporty in my day
Q. Favorite fast food? TBell
Q. Favorite book? johnny got his gun
Q. Favorite Sports teams? red wings
Q. Favorite song? ryan adams - Come Pick Me Up
Q. What room is your computer in? the computer room
Q. What is your shoe size? anything from 7.5 to 9
Q. What do you want to be when you grow up? simply happy
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