Jun 02, 2005 02:25
Full name please: Patricia Renee Turner
Like your name?: umm not really.. i like bein called TRISH
If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?: YUR MOM
What city/state/country were you born in?: illinios, Chicago u.s
Birthday and Age?: Dec. 5 1989
Were you born early, late, or right on time?: i was FIVEEEEE days latteeee
Where do you live right now?: illinios, joliet<- soon to be bak in fl b~town!
What do you like about your city?: Nothing its lame!
What do you dislike about your city?: Everything
Do you live in USA?: Yes
If not, what country do you live in?: .. ur moms mom
Do you have any brothers or sisters? If so, how many?: 3 brother 2 sister. and 1 not blood but yea hes my STILL bro.. no matter what
Any pets? If so, how many?: alot
List the names of all the people/pets residing in your house: dont tell me wut to do
Okay, thats enough of that, Lets move on to Favorites...
Food?: oh man.. MASHED POTATOES of course!
Color?: Pink. and greeeen
Drink?: Pink Lemonade!!! umm.. and koolaid.. i dont like pop that much BUT dr. pepper is the shit
TV Show?: anything on lifetime
Video Game?: NonE
Book?: the outsiders <-always be my fav
Item of Clothing?: yur dad
Actor/Actress?: umm... brittany murphy.. and adam sandler.. and ben stiller.. ANDDDD hansel from zoolander (whatever the hell his name is)
Sport?: yur dads dad
Type of Music?: i live pretty much EVERYTHING
Band?: yur dads uncle frank
Song?: shakira-the one
Flavor?: umm... ryan haha
Quote?: the world's going to give us a MILLION reasons why it WONT WORK OUT- but all we need is ONE good reason why it will
Okay, now its time for those 'Do you/Have you' questions...:
Do you smoke?: HELL NO
Drink?: not really
Do drugs of any sort?: nooooo
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: hmm i dont think so? i mean sometimes when i jump in the pool or somethin my bottoms will come off and im like ugh oh! but bsides that nope
Have you ever been aressted?: yea
Do you have any bad habits?: yea alot
Do you play an instrument?: no
If so, what do you play?: jdnfdf
Do you like electronics?: i guess?
Have you ever seen a celebrity in public?: yea
Have you ever done something you were expecially proud of?: yea.. getting over chris
How about expeccially disapointed in yourself?: yea :(
Do you wish you could go back in time and undo something you did?: YEah i deff do
Have you ever gone out of your way to get someones attention?: id do anything for ryans attention
Alright, Now choose between one of the following...
Cat or Dog?: Both.. but i like dogs better
Moon or Sun?: Both!!! i gotta have my sun.. but the moon is really pretty
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
Fruit or Veggies: fruit
Number bands or 'The' bands (alkaline trio.- taking back sunday ect.):
Kisses or Hugs?: from ryan.. both.. cause when he hugs me i only notice me and him. then when he kisses me.. its like im floating.. and its amayzingg how just a hug or a kiss from him can change my mood from like just good mood.. to cant stop smiling, only seeing him and just thinking ryan ryan ryan
Italian or Mexican?: italian
Shirt or Pants?: shirt
Light or Dark?: both
Boxers or Briefs?: Boxers
Creamy or Chunky?: Creamy
Stars or Clouds?: Stars... and clouds lol
Apples or Bannanas?: banannas
T.V. or Books?: T V!!! deff
Okay, now Random Questions
Look around. What is the first thing you read?: my scap paper where i just write w/e im thinking
Who was the last person you talked to?: ryan :)
Have you ever been in love?: deeeplyyy inlovee
Can you whistle?: YEA OF COURSE what loser cant?!!... OK no i cant lol
Have you ever wished upon a star?: everynight
Have you ever gone sky diving?: one dayy i willlll
Do you believe in hororscopes?: yea 100 percent
How about miricles?: Yes!!!!
What is on your computer desk?: a barbie sippy cup (that i have redd koolaid in!!)
What was the last thing you took a picture of?: i dont know? lol
Who's your favorite teacher of all time?: mr. stincer.. mr. redmon.. mrs. harvey
Have you ever pushed all of the buttons in an elevator?: who hasnt?
Do you think aliens exist?: oh god.. thanx.. now i wont be able to sleep u creepy ? thing
When you were little, did you ever try to dig to China?: what little kid didnt??.. i still try
_:_:_ Basics _:_:_
name:: Trish Turner
u like it:: hmm.. kinda
wut does it mean:: badass kid.. duh look at me hahah (u kno its true) lol
age:: 15
hair color:: Brownish red
eye color:: lightt brown
height::... none of ur bussines lol
do u have braces:: yea.. i know its a shocker.. but yea i AM a girl
do u have contacts or glasses:: contacts.. but i never wear em
sign:: sagg.
_:_:_ Love Life_:_:_
do u have a boyfriend/girlfriend:: nope! but i gotta husband ;) and hes the love of my life
if so for how long::3 months in 2 days.. but feels like SO much longer
do u have a crush:: yea him duh
have u ever broken someone’s heart before:: yea :( sorry boys
has someone broken ur heart:: .. guys suck
ú_:_:_ The Last _:_:_
person who imed u:: ryan james borgra
person who u imed:: allisonnn
thing u did:: Brushed teeth
song u listened to:: hot action cop-dirtbike
sport u played:: football
person u yelled at:: ryan :(
person who hugged u:: ryan james :)
movie u saw:: ugh that new movie with adam sandler... long yard or some crazyyy shit like that
_:_:_ Music AND Movies _:_:_
wuts ur favorite band/ singer:: to many
wuts ur favorite album:: ur mom
wuts ur favorite song:: ur mom
wuts ur favorite music video:: stopppp
wuts ur favorite movie:: ur a nosey creep
whose ur favorite actor:: lalalalla
whose ur favorite actress:: her daddy sayss.. he aint wortha lip! when it comes to brains hes got the short end ofa stick.. i love this song! hha
_:_:_ Word Association _:_:_ <-- whats association mean?
life:: short
video:: i like
break:: ... as long as ryans not saying it
your:: inlove :)
brown:: amandas undies ... HAHAHAHAHAHAH
good bye:: dont say that :(
best:: sister .. amanda ! i love her
ice:: creammm
snow:: NO haha
running:: cus i smelt tunna.. musta been jessica bilski again.. close ur damn legs hoe
class of:: 09
_:_:_ Miscellaneous _:_:_
do u like kelly clarkson:: yea shes ok
have u ever wanted to run away:: all the time
do u play soccer:: used too
do u pray:: everynight
do u wish u could fly::.. hell yes
wut school do u go to:: im skooless YEAA
wud u consider yourself tall:: yea lol
is it raining outside right now:: nope
r u goin to college:: nope
do u drink coffee:: yummm
damn that was long.. and damn im bored