Eindhoven Art-fair with my mom

Apr 18, 2015 22:40

Today I went to Eindhoven to join my mom at her artfair thingie
It was kinda boring and lots of old folks!
I did feel proud of my mom, cause I felt like her graphical art was looking great :3

Including a picture of my mom :P cause this way you can see her art.
The 2 black and white pieces are my favorite

There were 2 huge events that were taking place

In the hall next to this one there were many other artists to that were showing their work!
I went to take a look there to, it was a little expensive I think, it was not really worth it but, I did make some picture!

I didn't feel like there were any real pro's at that hall...
I was actually really let down my it!
But, I did have a nice talk with this Dutch lady!

After a while I got bored and went for a strole around outside and found there was a nice hall with all Pop-up stores
I will be going back there tomorrow to buy 2 pairs of jewelery I really liked!

The building at the other side... Full with colorfull grafitti

I thought the little street looked really cool like this :)

There was a restaurant at the boddom of a building, it looked so COOL... it had all cool cupcakes and pasteries!

More graffiti... :D in another street... (and I've met the artist of the one eyed pig at a grafitti Jam a while ago :D )

Outside... it was so warm and calm :) To bad the wind was really really cold... :P
The little flowers were so cute sweet and soft :3 Made my boring day a tittle better <3

Huge Lego blocks...

The outside of the building where I was holding hostage all day :P and where I will be all day tomorrow :3

Later, when I was back home, I went for a walk outside with my husband :) and I managed to take a few pictures...

car tipped to it's side in the forest :)

Huge thingie... I forgot it's name...

This horse is my neighbour! :3
She is always looking for our attention, I think she must be really lonely at times so I feed her veggies and give her my love and attention <3

So, that was my day :)

At the moment I'm looking at Planet of the Apes... :3
It's way better then I thought it was
and different...

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