Starting to write again...

Jan 15, 2012 22:16

 So, normally I would have posted a wardrobe post as I promised some of you BUT... I didn't have any time since sunday is my husbands day and we went away really early and came home pretty late! so I couldn't take pictures so it'll have to wait till tomorrow :)

Wanted to do some sewing today BUT again XD I forgot my pattern so, didn't so anything exept for youtubeing and take some clothes apart to to make something other from it... I'm trying to make some salopette in my personal style :) and perfecting my pattern. I'll post my first try tomorrow so you can all comment on it :) likes or dislikes and maybe some pointers on how to do it better.

Here some pictures of my outfit of today :)
I may look a bit goofy but I was freezing...

pictures by Zsolt

Dress: Bodyline
Socks, shoes: offbrand
cardigan: Primark
Blouse: H&M
Collar: Fly away Fashion
Juwelery: Six

Went to the hairdresser today as well, thats why my hair is flat...It looks a bit stupid on the pictures because the wind messed it up...
I'm super duper happy because it grew a but :D even my hairdresses was like: OW WOW it is growing again :)
she also told me to go to the docter for a bloodtest and meds for psorias in hair... not looking forward to that BUT :) it is helps it helps and I really want my fuller hair back!!! so Thursday morning I'm going to the dokter XD

ow... and lately I've been a 'Dexter' addic... omg... i LOVELOVELOVE this series <3 such a dry humor...
The only thing I dislike about it is that lately the main character is getting some 'emotions' I liked him better emotionless...
I really need to start reading this series... they say it is also a great reading series and very different from the series...

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