I like to play Mass Effect 1 and 2. I like my Femshep. I took some screenshots of her. Now I'm going to talk for a while.
This is F.B. Now, my little sister is the one who insisted I would like these games and nagged me about playing them until I did so. She was quite correct, of course, and we've spent many happy hours fangirling over it. It made her a little crazy, though, when - upon finishing ME1 and 2 and deciding I was ready for a second playthrough - I went and made a second Shepard who looked exactly the same as my first one.
The truth is, I'm one of those people and this is My Shep. I do have a couple alternates at this point, but that's exactly what they are - alternates. Besides that, playing the same Shep more than once is kind of my way of perfecting my playthrough. I fully anticipate playing IdentiShep at least one more time before ME3 comes out, just to anally perfect every single little thing (and try different classes).
So anyway. This is F.B. and she's Shep Prime v.2. Physically, the only difference between her and my Shep Prime v.1, Jan, is her blue eyes (Jan's were grey). Oh, and her scars (Jan didn't have any). Observe.
The more times I go through the character creation process, the more deeply I resent the fact that your scars disappear in ME2. F.B. had a scar over her eye in ME1 that I wasn't crazy about at all; I just really wanted the chin scar that went with it. By the end of the game, though, it was part of her and I adored the crap out of that scar. I still miss it. ME3, blow my mind and let me scar Shepard's face again, it would seriously make me feel better.
As an aside, maybe it's just me, but I find it much harder to make a not-weird-looking character in ME2. TOO HIGH-POLY, OMG.
And back to Shepard. Jan was a Spacer/War Hero/Infiltrator(Engineer in ME2)/Paragon. F.B. is a Spacer/Sole Survivor/Vanguard/Paragade. I kind of preferred the tech classes to being a biotic. As cool as it is, it just doesn't make any sense to me for Shepard to be a biotic. You obviously aren't that great of one since the game reminds you so often that you're surrounded by better ones, and you're also apparently the only human biotic in the world who doesn't have massive angst. Bully for you, but I miss my mad omni tool skillz. Still wanna try soldier, though. As far as background goes, I'm not sure I'll ever play as Colonist or Earthborn because they're so embarrassingly melodramatic. Also, I like calling my mommy. As for my morals, being a little bit renegade is way way more fun in ME2 than ME1, in which you're just kind of a jerk, so I may say Paragade, but basically all of F.B.'s renegade points are shooting her mouth off at people in ME2. I was nice to Conrad, though.
What else, what else? I'm not opposed to the idea of a romanceless game or different LI's, but my Shep!Prime goes with Garrus. I can talk about this at some length, but will not do so here. You're welcome.
To conclude, I still want Matriarch Aethyta to cameo in ME3.
That is all.