Can't take much more...

Aug 10, 2008 21:40

I'm so frustrated with you right now. You say actions are louder then words, then why the fuck do you go to Adult friend finder.... and stop giving me some bull shit answer of, I'm getting ideas on what I want to do to you. That is so bull shit. If I hadn't caught you on the site you never would have said a damned thing. And to give a shit answer when I asked you how you felt about me of your a guy or my actions should speak louder then my words... fuck that shit, I need to hear how the hell you feel about me because I'm tired of waiting, I'm tired of putting what I want on hold for you. I have things I would like to do and places I want to go. But you haven't asked me and you give long drawn out stories that don't explain crap.

You can be a good dad, but I'm growing tired of hearing one thing and seeing another. You don't seam to understand or want to understand that your actions sometimes hurt me a whole lot. The fact that you were not going to say anything about that site that has nothing but sluts on it says a whole lot. Just fucking tell me how you feel, and let me decide if time to just give up on you. Cause honestly that is what I'm about to do. Just move on to someone who can say as well as show how they feel about me. I deserve that much. After all the shit that my ex's have put me through I deserve to be happy with someone as well as with my son. I'm not the maid and I work just as hard as you do yet you won't help with house work other then the garden. I'm not a slave. I can't do this much longer... I just can't.
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