Nov 30, 2006 02:39
so tonight at around 1 in the morning there was a bit of a freak out happening on HER side of the room...
Marisa...pronounced Mareeeeeeesa...apparantly had found some sort of small beetle roaming in a drawer of her desk...
now, not that the unusual happened, for i seem to usually be the one to be like, "I'llll kill it" when the rest of the girls are sreeching to one side of the room, but in this case...we got into a little discusion coming to the conclusion that she (of the one and only New Jersey...and as she declares the center of the universe because it is practically NYC) is not apptly aquainted with the natural world. She continued to declare that she must wash EVERYthing in the drawer...of which, I, of course, pressed her not to...and then told her a little story about my dad eating worms that didn't get washed out of some homegrown greens...she was mortified, no doubt...and additionally i informed her of how she was putting herself at more risk to germs by eating genetically engineered potatoes than using a spoon a bug had crawled over...omg. wake up america, germs are only natural. if people weren't so commercialized into being 100 percent sanitary they'd be a lot more immune to the germs surrounding them in everyday life.
anywhooo...this doesn't reflect upon my roomie, moreso on corporate america...but whatev.
mmmmk...time for bed.
love and miss y'all (...i got a staredown for that earlier today...oh goodness)